14. Girl Talk

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Caitlin and Felicity drove in silence for the greater part of the drive. Caitlin had a dozen things she wanted to ask, but couldn't bring herself to do it. Felicity had nothing to say for once.

Caitlin pulled her car into the garage and turned off the engine. Neither of them moved to get out though.

"Hey," Caitlin placed a hand on Felicity's shoulder.

"Hi," Felicity said back.

"Why didn't you tell me? I thought we were friends."

"We are friends. And we were going to. We just never seemed to find the time to I guess." Felicity shrugged.

"I understand. We're going to have to throw you a baby shower though; don't even try to back out of it."

"Okay," She laughed.

"How far along are you?"

"6 months," Felicity smiled as she rubbed her belly.

"Oh, wow. You don't look it." Caitlin commented.

"Thankfully I only carry in my belly. Everything else has stayed relatively the same. Could you imagine me wobbling around? I'm too short to wobble. I'd probably tumble over. And then Oliver would insist on carrying me everywhere. Hmm...maybe that isn't such a bad thing."

Caitlin giggled as Felicity began to ramble.

"I would have never asked you guys to come if I knew. You should have said no." Caitlin said, returning to her usual serious tone.

"I know. I guess I missed this in a way. I love our life, I do. But it's a bit boring at times. I thought this would be fun like before. Honestly though I just want to go home."

"I understand. We do this to help people. You don't always consider the risks that come with that though. Especially Barry...I worry about him so much." Caitlin sighed as she looked down at her fingers.

"Tell me about it. If I had a dollar for every time my heart stopped when Oliver turned off his comm, came back needing to be stitched up, or had been drugged... well I could retire right now."

"It's dangerous; what we all do. Did I mention that Cold and his little sidekick kidnapped me?"

"What? No! When?"

"It was a while ago actually. They used me as bait to trap Barry. Some part of me hoped that Ronnie would come, but he didn't. Barry did. He put himself out there for me."

Felicity couldn't help but to notice the wishful look in her friend's eyes when she spoke of Barry. If she didn't know any better, she'd guess that a certain Dr. Snow was smitten with Barry Allen.


"Yeah?" She looked over at Felicity.

"Tell him."

"What?" Caitlin furrowed her brows in confusion.

"Barry. I saw the looks you gave him earlier and how your face lights up when you talk about him. You like him, a lot. Don't wait forever like I did. Tell Barry."

"But you and Oliver are together."

"Yes, now. Look how long it took us though and everything that happened. Just trust me on this, okay?"

"Okay." Caitlin nodded her head. She didn't even try to deny her feelings.

The two of them got out of the car and headed inside. Caitlin ordered in for them and they ate as they waited for the team to come back; silently praying that  everyone survived.

*A/N Since this is super short, I'm going to post the next chapter too :)*

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