6 (part 1). We can be heroes

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**AN: I know this is super long, but I needed to get this out of the way.

Felicity didn't get any sleep that night. Not for lack of trying; her mind was just too busy. She tossed and turned until her alarm went off the next morning.

"Ugh," she groaned as she pushed the covers away from her.

She slowly dragged herself to the bathroom where she proceeded to wash her face and brush her teeth.

She had showered and was wrapping a fluffy towel around her when she heard her phone go off in the other room.

She half-jogged across the hall to pick it up in time.


What in the hell does he want and how did he get my number? She screamed in her head.


"Good Morning to you too, Miss Smoak." Malcolm replied sarcastically.

"What do you want Malcolm?"

"I need you to meet me at the address I just sent to your phone. It's important." Malcolm replied.

"Oh, yeah I'll get right to that." She was preparing to hang up when he spoke again.

"It's about Oliver. I trust that I'll see you soon."

Felicity let out a very loud sigh as she tossed her phone on the bed.

"Great he just had to say Oliver's name..." She mumbled to herself as she walked over to the closet.

She decided to throw on a grey peplum dress. It was flared in all the right places and it wasn't as tight as the rest of her dresses.

Looking down at her shoes, she reached for a pair of simple black flats.

Thoughts of reading the results of her test reappeared in her mind.

Staring back at her were the words pregnant, loud and clear; she was indeed expecting. She might hate Oliver's guts for kidnapping her, but he was the father of her child. She couldn't allow him to do whatever he had planned alone.

Locking the door behind her, she left her apartment building and drove to her destination.

"John?" Felicity noticed he was there too. Laurel and Thea were present as well.

"Well isn't this all familiar." Thea joked to lighten the mood.

The group all said their hellos and Malcolm entered the room moments later.

"How nice of you all to show up," Malcolm smiled.

"Cut the crap, man, why are we here?" John asked.

"I know I didn't win you over with my last visit. I have spoken to Oliver since then and well...something's gone wrong. He was able to discover Ra's plan. Ra's wants to use a super virus that will destroy everyone in Starling City. He is making his move soon which means we have to as well. I know you don't believe me still and that's fine. But look at this." Malcolm handed the tablet he had been holding to Felicity.

Hesitantly she took it.

"What's this?" She inquired.

"It's everything I was able to find on this super virus. It was used once before. Now, Oliver will be a little preoccupied trying to kill Ra's and all that so we need to get the weapon." Malcolm began to explain.

"We as in us?" Thea interjected.

"Yes, dear," Malcolm replied.

Felicity opened the files on the tablet. She was horrified to see the destruction and devastation the alleged super virus had caused.

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