13. Team Arrow + Team Flash

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"So you're back in just like that?" Diggle asked as he locked the door behind him.

It didn't take any convincing when Felicity and Oliver showed up at his front door saying their friends in Central City needed them. Things at home were slow and truth be told, he was itching for some action.

"No," Oliver stated firmly. "This is a one-time thing." He looked over at Felicity.

"Are you sure you should come?" Diggle cast a concerned look in the blonde's direction.

She shot him a very frustrated glare in return.

"I'm pregnant. It's not a disability. It doesn't automatically make me useless!" She said bitterly.

Oliver sighed and realized he'd have to damage control. Sometimes her emotions could go to the extremes and it'd take forever to calm her down.

"Felicity," he shot Diggle a 'thanks a lot look', "No one is calling you useless. We just want you safe. I need you to be safe; both of you." Oliver said gently.

"I know, Oliver! I've already promised, what else do you want? It's not like I'm gonna pop out yelling at the bad guy to come get me. I'm not an idiot." She shrugged away from his comforting arms and pushed the door open, hard.

Oliver caught it before it slammed back into his face.

"A little advice: don't piss off the pregnant chick." Diggle whispered.

"Oh now you tell me?" Oliver said sarcastically. "Besides, this is all your fault anyways."

"Me? No I'm just looking out for a friend." Diggle smiled teasingly.


Thirty minutes later, everyone was packed inside Dig's black SUV. Felicity was up front texting Caitlin and the Queen siblings were in the back. Laurel was busy at work, but agreed to drive over later if she had the time.

Diggle didn't like the silence that surrounded the vehicle. He had a toddler at home and chased bad guys at night. Peaceful moments were welcomed, but they also bored him. He turned on the radio and drummed his fingers along the steering wheel to Adele's Hello.

Felicity put her phone back in her purse and raised an eyebrow up at him in surprise.

"John Diggle, I would have never guessed that you were an Adele fan." She giggled.

"What? This is practically a classic." He shrugged.


The drive was a good 9 hours. Dig did most of it, but Oliver switched with him towards the end. He knew the other man had to be tired even if he denied it. Felicity had moved to the back in order to have more room to rest.

They reached a medium size house on the outskirts of Central City around 7:40 P.M. Diggle was jolted from his slumber after Oliver put the car in park.

"I'm not that hard to wake up," He moved his arm out of the way.

"Sorry," Oliver apologized.

Thea hopped out of the car first. She had been copped up in the car too long for her liking and desperately wanted to stretch her legs. She pulled out her overnight bag with her suit and a change of clothes inside and headed towards the front door.

Diggle offered to carry Oliver's bags while he gently tried to lift Felicity without waking her. He nodded his head as a way of saying thanks. Juggling the two bags in his arms, Dig trailed Thea.

Against all odds: An Olicity fanficWhere stories live. Discover now