19. I'm here

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The longest week in Oliver's life had come to an end. It was Sunday morning and thankfully it was no longer raining. He made his way through the busy airport to wait for Felicity to come in from her flight. He was staring up at the arrival times so he didn't see the other person walking in his direction.

"Watch where you're going, Queen," A gruff voice said.

Oliver looked straight ahead and saw Quentin Lance.

"Detective Lance? Sorry, I didn't see you there." Oliver apologized.

Oliver's mind drifted back to Felicity and his conversation when she told him that Donna and Lance had met online and had been dating long distance for a while now. It bothered him initially, but now he just found it hilarious. He coughed to cover up the emerging laughter threatening to escape.

"I can see that. What are you doing here?" Quentin asked as he wondered what in the hell was so funny. Oliver's poor cover up didn't fool him. 

"Felicity is coming back today, but you already knew that, didn't you?" Oliver smirked.

"Just what are you getting at, Oliver?"

"Nothing, just maybe a little birdie told me you were seeing her mama bird." Oliver teased the older man.

"I figured as much." Lance shook his head, but had a slight grin on his face.

"We might as well wait together." Lance suggested.

Oliver agreed and the two sat down on an empty bench. Silence washed over them both. They never really had a conversation amongst themselves that didn't involve arguing.

"So..." Oliver blew out a puff of air.

"So...Donna tells me you're making her a grandma."

"Yup," Oliver confirmed while feeling a bit awkward having this kind of chat with the father of two of his ex's.

"Loosen up will ya? It's not like we're strangers." He smacked Oliver on the shoulder.

"You do have a point. We've come a long way haven't we?" Oliver reminisced.

"Sure have. I used to pray that you stayed away from my daughters finally and now look, I'm dating your girlfriend's mom. Boy is fate cruel."

"It's something alright." Oliver chuckled.

Not long after they had sat down, the two Smoak women rounded the corner with their luggage dragging behind them. Oliver stood up first with a broad smile upon his face. He walked towards her, mumbling excuse me's and a few apologies along the way.

Felicity still hadn't seen him. She was far too busy looking for the bathroom. Oliver had just missed her. He found Donna standing alone. 

"Oliver, hi honey!" Donna greeted him and pulled him into a big hug.

He tried to hide his disappointment as he returned her embrace.

"Ms. Smoak, it's good to see you again." He replied.

"Oh please, I'm not old! Call me Donna." She told him. "I mean, we're practically family now right? All there's left to do is make an honest woman out of my baby girl." She nudged him with her elbow.

Oliver nodded just as Quentin joined them.

"Donna?" He asked slowly.

The blonde woman's eyes lit up as she set her eyes on him for the first time in person.

"Quentin?" She whispered back as a slow smile crept on her face.

She shook away the anxiety and threw her arms around him.

Against all odds: An Olicity fanficWhere stories live. Discover now