9. Fear, family & doubts

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Sunday morning had arrived and Felicity was still asleep. Oliver, on the other hand, had been up for a while. He allowed Felicity to sleep in while he went for a morning jog. When he returned and found her still sleeping, he decided to make breakfast.

Contrary to his tough exterior, he had learned to cook over the years. Tatsu had taught him because she insisted that she wasn't his maid; he figured out how to do his own laundry too.

He began cracking a few eggs for the omelets. Already frying on the stove was the bacon, turkey of course; it was all Felicity had. To Oliver, he thought if you were going to eat bacon, then it might as well be the real thing. It was too late for a trip to the store though.

"Morning," Felicity took a seat at the kitchen table.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked as he flipped the omelet over.

"I'd sleep better if you stopped disappearing on me." She laughed. "Are you actually cooking by the way? Can you cook?"

"How about you answer that after you've eaten?" Oliver slid an omelet onto a plate with two strips of bacon and placed it in front of her.

"I'm really not hungry." She confessed as she looked down at the plate of food.

It was the truth; she was still too upset over Ray to eat.

Oliver sighed as he took a seat next to her.

"Unfortunately you're not just eating for you anymore. Open up?" He held a fork full of omelet close to her mouth.

"You're going to feed me?" She joked. It was a sweet gesture; one she'd never expect from Oliver.

"Mhmm," He replied.

Felicity opened her mouth slightly and took the bite of food.

"That is actually not bad. I mean I can't cook anyways...I guess it'll be your thing." She said after she had swallowed it.

"I don't mind." He shrugged and took a bite of his bacon.

The two finished the breakfast in silence. Oliver began to clear out the dishes when they were done.

"I have a dish washer you know?" Felicity smiled at him.

"It's fine." Oliver replied.

"Hmm....you know if you're not careful, I'm gonna get used to this domesticated side of you." She warned jokingly.

"Good," He placed a kiss on her cheek.


"Yeah?" He sat the now dry dish down and gave her his full attention.

"I'm scared." She confessed. "Am I ready to be a mom? Are you ready to be a dad? And now I might potentially be in charge of an entire company...I'm freaking out in here." She pointed to her head.

Oliver reached out for her hand and held it in his hand.

"Felicity I've seen you willing put yourself in danger just to help Dig and I take down a bad guy. Hell, you've saved me a few times. You've never been afraid. I don't think it's on your nature." He reminded her. "You're smart, you're beautiful and I love you. Whatever is in store for us, well we'll face it together."

"Okay I don't know if it's the hormones, but I seriously want to cry right now. Happy tears of course." She said and hugged him.

"I'm always gonna be here." Oliver promised.

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