8. This new life

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The next morning Oliver woke before Felicity. He ran a hand over his tired face as he made his way to the bathroom, which he discovered after first going into the closet. The sound of the door shutting jolted Felicity out of her sleep.

"Oliver?" She lifted her head as she noticed the empty space next to her. It took her a moment to realize that she was back at home in her own bed. She sighed as she pushed the blanket away from her body and headed towards the bathroom.

She could hear the sound of the faucet running. Oliver had beat her to it. They'd have to figure out a bathroom schedule, she thought; she wasn't used to sharing.

"Oliver?" She tapped lightly at the door.

"Hmm?" He answered from the other side. He turned to open the door for her although it wasn't locked. Just before his hand reached the doorknob, he spotted something in the trashcan. Curiosity got the better of him and he bent down to pick it up.

"Ready or not, I'm coming in." Felicity announced. She opened the door and then stopped dead in her tracks.

"Felicity, what's this?" He asked as he looked up from the pregnancy test in his hand up at her.

Felicity swallowed once before opening her mouth to speak.

"That?", she pointed towards his hand. "I don't know. You're holding it."

"Is this what I think it is?"

"It depends on what you're thinking I guess. What do you think it is?" She shrugged.

She barely had time to get used to the fact that she was pregnant. She hadn't imagine having this conversation with Oliver, especially not so soon. So she did what she did best, she rambled.

"Felicity." He said her name firmly.

"Okay yes it's a pregnancy test." She answered at last as she plucked it out of his hands.

"Yes it's mines. Why are you digging in my trash anyways?" She glared at him as she walked around him to the sink.

"Were you planning on telling me?"

"Oh sure. Right after you kidnapped me." She put toothpaste on her toothbrush. She didn't want to argue with morning breath.

"Or maybe while you were marrying Nyssa, but wait...I was too busy almost dying."

She felt herself growing angry. She turned away from Oliver and began to brush her teeth.

"Felicity," He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Have you been to the doctor?" He asked in a softer tone.

She rinsed her mouth and spun around.

"Oliver, I just found out. I haven't had time to between everything that's been going on." She answered, lowing her tone as well.

"Okay," He nodded his head. "I'm sorry." He kissed leaned down to her forehead.

"It's okay," She sighed as she rubbed his stubble. "I promise to get a proper checkup as soon as possible, okay?"

"And I'll be right there with you." He promised.

"Good," Felicity smiled.

The faint sound of her ringtone erupted from her bedroom. She excused herself and went to pick it up. Thankfully it wasn't Malcolm this time, but it was still someone she didn't know.

"Hello?" She held the phone up to her ear.

"Yes may I speak to Felicity Smoak please?"

"Speaking," She noticed Oliver re-entering the room. His expression was asking if everything was okay to which she held up one finger at him.

Against all odds: An Olicity fanficWhere stories live. Discover now