Chapter Eight: Rescue Moyenne!

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"Zen!" Shirayuki ran up to Mitsuhide, Kiki, and Zen. Obi had disappeared.

"Shirayuki.." Zen brought Shirayuki into his arm, "We have to find Moyenne, and Obi!"

"What happened?" Shirayuki looked up at Zen. "I'll explain when we get on some horses." Kiki, Zen, Shirayuki, and Mitsuhide found themselves already saddled onto beautiful black, brown, and white horses.

"Moyenne disappeared, and Obi ran out without any permission or orders. Both of them are gone, and we have no idea where they might be going, but maybe Obi left some sort of path when he was running and chasing after her!"

And Zen was right- Obi must of been ticked off. There was a straight line of trees broken down and branches that were snapped. He had stormed through, not giving any thought to the organisms around him.

Obi was pissed. And both Zen and Shirayuki knew it.

~Moyenne POV (Point of View)~

This was just my luck.. and I had no idea where my brother was even taking me. We had been pretty tight as siblings for such a long time, but now... it's different. He seems to have changed, and he obviously doesn't want me to stay in Clarines. But- I want to stay. Just because of a cute guard named "Obi".  I wasn't planning on denying my slight feelings for him, even if he didn't feel the same.

"..Hey..Bro.." I struggled, "Let go-"

He snapped back quickly with a, "Shut up!" and a quick hit on my shoulder.

He had been walking for at least a few hours by now. He had to be tired. I kicked behind his knee and he tripped over himself. I quickly got up and started to run for it. Although- I didn't realize he still had the rope gripped tightly in between his sweaty palms. His face grew dark and pulled me back into his arms.

"We're not related! Okay?! I was never blood related.." he paused, his eyes dashing around, and I pulled a blank. "I know this sounds weird and you've seen me as brother for your entire life, but I love you- sexually.."

I pulled away.

I hated him...he disgusted me. He was only my brother.

"No, you're my brother. Nothing more, honestly.." I gulped, "I don't even see you as my brother anymore."  His eyes widened as I chomped onto the thin rope and bit into it, freeing myself. I ran. And that's all I could think about.




Yes. That's what I wanted.

A home...

a person who loved and understood me.


I screamed out, "HOME!!!!!!!!"

And before I knew it, I was gently but at the same time- roughly embraced by a familiar figure.


Akagami No ShirayukiHime: Obi's New Love (Obi X Moyenne ~OC~)Where stories live. Discover now