Chapter Nineteen: Is This What I think It Is?

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"Personal guard.. like..?" Moyenne tried her hardest to understand what Obi was even talking about. "I want you.. to be mine.." Obi said quite shyly. She held played with her hands in embarrassment and her shy acts went from 0 to 100, in this case, shy to angry. "Are you going to do that thing like you did last time? Pretend you love me then throw me away? Is that who you really are like?!" Obi was caught off guard (no pun intended) and he looked kind of, hurt. "No.. no Moyenne, you don't understand. I knew you were lying... and my feelings got ahead of me, I swear.. please believe me." Moyenne kept her eyes locked on his, and Obi felt a bit of fear. Moyenne's mind was falling into a cluster of thoughts, if she had lied to him, she wouldn't be surprised if he was lying to her, too. She felt so guilty, lying so much, hiding the truth from the only person that truly trusted her, and truly cared. She thought about her brother, and that other guy that tried to kill Obi. He was still out there. "Moyenne, are you okay?" She smiled and stood up, "Yes. I'm fine. And.. I do believe you, I'm just scared of the things that are out there. The people, I mean. There are some really terrible humans.." Obi sat down closer to where she was standing and beckoned her to sit back down. She finally gave in and placed herself next to him.

"So.. will you be my personal guard?" Obi asked, again. His eyes were filled with anxiety and lust, wanting Moyenne more than ever. He wanted her in his arms, talking about how much she's in love with him, and just whispering soft words. If only she would stop thinking that he'd want to hurt her. He never wants to hurt anyone anymore, he can finally feel love again. And his old partner tought him that.. he even promised.

~Flashback (FILLER AWW YEE)~

"Torou, I'm sorry, I just... don't like you like that. I see you as a sister. No more of this lovey-dovey stuff, please." Obi begged. Torou had tears in her eyes from depression, almost screaming at Obi now, "NO! I love you, and I SAVED you when you almost died! I lied for you, I cried for you, too. Why can't you just love me?"

Obi was wincing, he hadn't fully recovered from the wound. "Because, I just can't.. I don't feel love for you, Torou. I can't help it. I just feel awkward when you try to hug or kiss me. It's weird."

She finally blinked back her tears and realized what he was talking about, "Okay, but Obi?"


"Promise me something."

Obi layed his hand on his wound and waited for the promise. "Promise me when you find a woman that you truly love, I can meet her, and I want to know what you love about her."

Obi nodded.

~End Of Flashback~

"I'm not even done training yet, though. And you can tell almost all of Clarines doesn't like me. Even Prince Zen..." she said, trying to dodge the question.

"Moyenne!" Obi grabbed her hands and kept a tight grip, "I will take whatever it costs to get you and me together, and never separate. Okay? I won't let you ride off in the sunset with some other man like Shirayuki did. Just answer my question."

Moyenne was avoiding eye contact and her heart was pounding. She didn't realize before how soft Obi's hands were. "If I had the opportunity, then yes. I would gladly be your personal.. guard."

Obi smirked and brought his face closer to hers, and this time, there was a change in both of their expressions. Moyenne finally could trust Obi, and Obi now could tell she wasn't fibbing about her feelings anymore. She might've not said it out loud, but he could tell- deep down, she loved him. Yes, before they were in this same exact spot, the first day they met, and they knew it wasn't going to come out right.....but now.. they're a new couple. Obi rubbed his nose against Moyenne and chuckled, "Moyenne, I love you. So- so much. And this time.." he paused with embarassament, "I mean it."

Akagami No ShirayukiHime: Obi's New Love (Obi X Moyenne ~OC~)Where stories live. Discover now