Chapter 1

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Okay guys first chapter and remember this is a sequel to 'The Underground thug'
So hope you guys like it~
(Y/n)-Your name
(L/n)-Last name
(E/c)-Eye color
(H/c)-Hair color
(F/c)-Favourite color

More may be added along the chapters~
Also that's Levi's school uniform
Onto da story~!

Your POV

I buttoned the white long sleeved button shirt,as I slipped on a pastel yellow long sleeved sweater ontop,and tied my blue bow tie.I slipped on knee-high white socks,and brown shoes, while I adjusted my black skirt that reached my thighs.I brushed my (h/c) hair,as I then brushed my teeth,and went downstairs grabbing an apple.I looked to the counter,as I almost forgot the ring,and I placed it on my finger in my right hand.I grabbed my phone and my (f/c) backpack,placing it over my shoulder,as I openned the door.

I started to make my way for school as I plugged in my earphones and played 'Reluctant Heroes'

I don't know why,but I feel like that song describes me in some way.

It was like a Nightmare
It's Painful for me
'Cause nobody wants to Die too fast

When that part came up,random death images of three people popped in my mind,as I stopped my tracks clutching my head.

Who were they?

I felt a tap on my shoulder,as I looked back,and saw the raven haired boy who saved me last time,"O-Oh hey!Levi, was it?",I asked,as he nod but still seemed confused,"You okay?You're clutching your head in a strong grip".I let go of my head,as I play with my thumbs."S-Sorry I just got some..random death images of three people just now.."

He blinked twice,as I felt embarrased, and looked down,"I-I know it's wierd..",I whisper to myself,until I felt weight ontop of my head,as I looked up seeing Levi patting my head."It's alright,I get those sometimes.".I felt my face heat up,as my heart's beat went faster.

I have felt this touch seems so..familiar..

Levi seemed to notice my flustered face,as he removed his hand,clearing his throat,"Let's go or we'll be late.",he said,going ahead,as I followed him behined like lost puppy. He had his left hand tucked in his pocket and the other was loose,as I stared at it.

A ring?

I stared at mine,as I compared them. They were indeed made from the same material,the only difference is that Levi's didn't had the diamond.My eyes snapped to Levi's,when he talked, eyeing me from the corner of his eye,"I was curious..where did you get that ring?"

I looked at my ring,as I talked,"Since I was born.When my mom gave birth to me,I came out holding the ring on my right hand.So my mom told me to always keep it on incase my own true love appears with the other.",I say,with a small smile,as I noticed pink dusted in his cheeks,but disappeared in a split second.

"Where are your parents now?", Levi asked,as my smile disappeared, "They were murdered when I was little",he mumbled a sorry,as he looked infront,"N-No it's fine. Besides they're in a better place", Levi nodded,as we reached the school, and I could see people stare at us with shocked faces,having smiles.

"Ne,Levi,why are people looking at us like that?",I asked,in a whisper, as he clicked his tounge,staring at a group of 4 friends."Ignore them, they'll be like that for a while".I nodded,as I eyeded the group of four.

Dirty blonde hair,blonde hair,blackish brown hair and strawberry blonde hair.

She recognizes me of someone..

She stood up from the bench,as she made her way towards us,"Hey Levi! Who's your friend?",she smiled,but it seemed kind of teasingly,as Levi glared at her."She's (Y/n) (L/n)", "Hi (Y/n) I'm Petra Ral!Hope we become great friends!",she said, with a closed eye smile,while extending her arm towards me to shake it.I nodded,as I shook it and let go,while she stared at my right hand."That's a pretty ring!Looks kind of marriage like..",Petra said,eyeing Levi,as I forrowed my brows in confusion.

Levi grabbed my wrist,as he dragged me,walking towards the school,while I tried to catch up with his fast pace.
"S-Slow down Levi!I can't catch up!",he ignored my cries,still walking, as we entered the school,with him finally letting me go."What ever she tells you ignore it or don't ask", Levi says,with a sigh,as I cock my brow. "Why?","Becuse before we-"


He got cutted off,as we looked to the side seeing a girl with red hair,tied in pig tails,having big emerald eyes and a boy with dirty blonde hair,next to her, having really light blue eyes making it look like silver.They both had the P.E uniform,which the jacket was white having blue by the chest area going to the arms,and the sport pants white with blue on the side.The girls eyes landed on me,as she looked shocked, while yet again I had a confused face.


"H-How do you know my name..?",I asked,as she eyeded Levi, and the boy with dirty blonde hair."I heard you were in our class that's why!",she said with confidence,as I nodded,and turned to Levi,"I'll head to class I'll see you later Levi",I said,with a small smile,as I made my way towards our classroom.

They seem familiar..and I don't know why it makes me sad..

Levi's POV

"Levi-bro is that (Y/n) from,you know?","Yeah it's her.",I said, crossing my arms,as Isabel grinned, jumpping in happiness,while Farlan smirked,"So what are you going to do?She doesn't seems to remember us in the past and also you were the one who gave her that wedding ring."I eyeded him, knowing he was saying the truth,as my gaze landed on (Y/n)'s back,while she walked away.

"I'll have to make her fall inlove with me again.."

Author's note

First chapter finally~!
And your old friends are back!!!

Anyways hope you guys liked this first chapter and see ya in the next one~!


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