Chapter 3

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Omg I reached 206 followers thank u guys*cryin tears of joy*

Onto da story~!

Your POV

It was Saturday and I was sleeping, lazily,on my bed,wrapped like a burrito in my comforters.

I mean,it's Saturday,who wouldn't like to sleep the whole day?

I was in my beauty sleep,before I felt myself being picked up by the comforter,making my eyes open.


I was looking at the floor,and I was placed on the floor,with the stair next to me.


And then,I was kicked,rolling down the stairs.




"You brat.It's 3 on the afternoon and you're still sleeping?"

I instantly recognized that voice,as I looked up,seeing Levi with his arms crossed.I kept staring at him,as he was was wearing something like the school's uniform,but the black jacket was unbottuned,while wearing a loose black tie.

Wow he looks hot

"(Y/n),I know I'm beautifully blind,but you have 3 hours to get ready and go to the park",Levi said, smirking,as my face heated up,"Liar!! And I was peacefully sleeping! Couldn't you wake me up at 5?!",I shouted at him,standing up,as he came down the stairs,walking towards me.

I crossed my arms,pouting,but he kept walking,making me uncross them,"U-Um,L-Levi..?",I whispered,startled, while he was dangerously close.I flinched,when he placed his left arm beside my left cheek and his right hand holding my chin,making me look at him.

"You do know you're wearing something inappropriate for a boy and leaving the door unlocked?",I looked down,while I noticed I was wearing an oversized shirt,reaching my thighs,with nothing but my underwear,as my whole face became red and I pushed him aside.

"PERVERT!!",I shouted at him,as I ran to my room,locking the door.

Why did it have to be him of all people?!

I sighed and went to my bathroom,to take a relaxing shower.I turned the faucet to hot,as I felt the steam pass through my skin,when I started to strip my clothes off.When the tub was almost full,I closed the faucet and layed down on the warm water,letting a sigh of relief.

When I finished showering,I went to my closet,grabbing a black t-shirt and some dark blue jeans.I wore my (f/c) undergarments,as I buttoned my jeans on and putted my shirt on.I let my hair loose,as I grabbed my phone and slipped some black slippers on.I went downstairs,seeing Levi laying on the wall.

"About time you came down.It's 5:30 already.","Well I'm sorry,but beauty takes time",I fired at him,as he stood straight,"Why need to worry about beauty?You're beautiful just the way you are.",he fired back,as my face became hot,and I glared at him,while he had a smirk of victory.

We exit my house,as I locked it,and we went towards his car,"Ne,Levi,how the hell did you know where I lived?",I asked him,slightly curious,as he eyeded me,"Hanji.","You know her?",he nodded,as he pressed the button to unluck his car."Again how did you entered my house?", "I'll explain in the car.",I nodded,as we entered his dark car,and I buckled my seat belt,on the passengers seat,as Levi did the same and started the car.

"So.",he trailed off,as he started driving towards the Shiganshina Park, "I asked Shitty Glasses where your house was,so I could pick you up.She started acting crazy,as she tried calling you,but you didn't pick up.Then I decided to go to your house and see if you were fine,as I knocked on your door.It passed like half an hour and you didn't answered,so I thought something happened to you.Anyways I twisted the knob and realized it was unlocked.So I explored your house and reached your room to see you sleeping. You already know the rest."

"Why couldn't you wake me peacefully?!","I tried,but you were sleeping like a rock,even though it was adorable",I glared at him,as I looked out the window,"Why didn't you pour water on me?","I didn't thought it would be fun.", "So,as long as you enjoy it,it's fine?",I said,threathening him,as he nodded.I clicked my tounge,as my eyes were getting heavy,and I was brought in a deep sleep.

~Dream Land~

I was on my toes,as I start to reach the top of the drawer,but it was just sooooo tall..

I can hear Levi snicker,from behined, me as my brow twitched,"Is something funny,Levi?",I ask, annoyed,as he stopped snickering, "Nothing at all,princess",I look at him,with a glare,while he smirks."I am not a princess!I don't even act like one!",I say,with my arms crossed,as he crosses them as well,still smirking.

"Even if you're not,you are my princess",he says,teasing,as I feel my face hot for a moment

'Did I just blushed at his comment?!'

His smirk grew wider,in victory,as I huff,turning around,starting to reach the top of the drawer once again.I groan in annoyance and then yelp, when I felt someone hoist me up their shoulders.And when I say someone,I mean Levi.

I look down at him,with my cheeks hot again,while he smirks,looking at me, "You could've just asked for help.","Shut up,Shorty.",he frowns at my response,while I smirk in vistory,starting to clean the top drawer,as my smirk became a guinine smile.

~End of Dream Land~

I felt someone shake me,as I fluttered my eyes open and I saw Levi,with my door open,pinching my cheek.

"Ow!What the heck Levi?!",I shout, as he let go of my cheek,with a smile, while I rub it."Come on we're already here",he says,as I nod, unbuckling my seatbelt and get out of the car,closing the door.Levi locked it, offering me his hand,as I rolled my eyes,grabbing his hand,while we made our way towards the entrance.

What was that dream just now..?

Author's note

Sorry this took me a bit of time. The reason was that I lost my charger and I couldn't write it.

Anyways hope you liked this chapter and see ya in the next one~!


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