Chapter 9

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I decided to update since I'm feeling well today and also thank you all for the positive comments on the author's note it made me feel better :3
Also thanks for da 221 reads

Anyways onto da story~!

Your POV

"(Y/n) do me?"

I froze not knowing what to say as Levi looked out the crystal,"It was a stupid question,forget it.","W-Wait Levi..before I answer..",I looked down as I could feel him stare at me and I took a deep breathe.

"Where..did you get you're ring?",I ask looking at his widened steel gray eyes,"Krista said they were very old and that she saw them when she was 15,she sounded like if she saw them in the past,but she is 15.Also yours and mine are a pair.I told you how I got mine so how did you get yours?"

Levi seemed hesitant to answer my question,like if he was hiding something but answered half of my question,"I got it like you.I was born with the ring on my hand alright?",he answered with a monotone voice as I nodded and stared at the view."Now answer my question.Do you?"

I openned my mouth to answer,but we reached the bottom as the man openned our door,"I'll tell you at Hanji's house ok?",I say adverting his gaze as I got out first with Levi tailing behined me.I look around as my vision landed on the teenagers while they were laughing about something.

"Hey guys!",I shout as they turn to me and I see Jen with a chibi plush Eren??

"Hey (Y/n)-san look at what a nice lady made for me!!", Jen squeeled hugging the plush as Eren was embarrased looking to the side.I stared at the plushy and saw it had some kind of military uniform,the jacket had the Wings of Freedom in them.

And that plushy is like the bears on Costco Jesus

"The lady said we were c-cute together so she made me this chibi Eren-kun!",Jen said with a tint of red in her cheeks as I glanced at my watch.

Crap it's 5:30!!

"Guys it's 5:30 we'll be late for Hanji's party!",we all started running to Levi's car as we got in and he drove in an inhuman speed.The only thing you could hear were Jen's and Eren's screams in the car while a chibi Eren flying around.

We finally reached Hanji's house as Jen and Eren got off the car instantly panting on the floor,"I thought I was going to die in there!!",Eren shouted as me and Levi got off the car, "Tch.Man up Yeager",Jen got out the chibi plushy as Levi locked his car and I knocked on Hanji's door.She instantly openned as she grinned at us, "Glad you guys could make it!!And OH MY GOD IS THAT A CHIBI EREN?!",Hanji said pointing at the plushy while she snatched it from Jen's hand,"H-Hey wait!","Oh hey!It looks like the Scout Regiment uniform!!"

Scout Regiment?

Me and Jen gave confused faces as we entered her house,"GUYS!!SHORTY, TINY,EREN AND JEN ARE HERE!!",Hanji shouted while handing Jen the plushy back."WE CAN START PLAYING OUR GAME NOW!!",Hanji led us to her living room to see Eren's friends sitting on a circle as I sat next to Armin and Levi next to me.

Hanji then came with a hat and handed each one of us a piece of paper."Okay! We're going to play 7 Minutes in Heaven!So write you're names on the paper and place it in this hat!",we all wrote our names as we placed the paper on the hat and Hanji started shuffling it.She tucked her hand in it and got two paper out,"First victims are Sasha and Connie!", she pushed them in the nearest closet as she started the time."I wonder what they'll do","They're idiots what do you expect from them?", Jean said annoyed and we started talking.

7 minutes later Hanji shouted it was time and they came with a load of food in they're mouths,"What in the world were you two doing?",Eren asks as they grin,"Eating food duh!", we all face palm as Hanji got two more papers out.

It went on like that for a while,even names were repeated,but what was wierd was that Jen's,Eren's,Levi's and my name haven't been mentioned.We eyeded each other confused as Hanji grinned and got two papers out.

"Eren and Jen!"

(a/n:Ok I need you're dirty inner minds to be unleashed here xD)

Hanji pushed them into a closet as we all went quiet.At first it was silent until we heard a crash sound and a gasp, "What the?", Levi said as we all eyeded the closet.


We all got wide eyeded as we heard shuffling noises.

"Eek!I-It's so big!!"


"Jen be quiet!!"


I covered my face as we kept hearing sounds and everyone had shocked/ disgusted faces

"E-Eren-kun stop-!"

Jen got cutted off when we heard a grunt and Hanji whispered to us shocked that 7 minutes were up.Me and Levi stood up as we knocked on the door and then openned it seeing Jen hugging the plushy Eren shivering while Eren was rubbing his head in pain.

"What were you two doing?!",I exclaimed as they looked at me confused,"What do you mean?", "W-We heard REALLY loud noises!Like if you two were doing it!!",they both became flustered and waved they're hands,"N-No!(Y/n)-san nothing happened!It was actually.."

~What really happened~

Both got shoved in the closet.

"W-Wow it sure is dark here..", Jen whispered as Eren nodded.They looked around and heard a vase fall causing Jen to gasp.Then Jen felt something walk by her foot as she shrieked,"E-Eren-kun!","W-What is it..?",Eren whispered as Jen saw something by the corner."W-What is that..?!",Jen whispered as Eren looked,"A rat..?",suddenly the rat started to crawl towards them.

"Eek!I-It's so big!!",Jen screamed as the rat started running,"Jen be quiet!!",Eren said as Jen fell backwards and the rat went to her skirt."IT WENT UP MY SKIRT!!", Jen shouted as she accidentally kicked Eren making him loose his balance walking backwards towards a drawer. "E-Eren-kun stop-!",she was cutted off when Eren's head collided with the drawer making him grunt in pain and fall to the floor as Jen hugged the plushy shivering while the rat ran away from her and the door openned.


"Oh that was my lab rat!",Hanji says as we glare at her,"What if it bit Jen?!",I say as she smiles,"Don't worry about it!It doesn't has rabies!",we all sighed in relief as Hanji got two more papers and grinned.

"Levi and (Y/n)!!"

Oh no..

Author's note

Welp you and Levi are next :3
Also that perverted part tho xD

Anyways hope you liked this chapter and see ya in the next one~!


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