Chapter 12

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Yeeeeeeyyyy finally z date
Also read the Author's note at the end it's important!!!!
Onto da story~!

Your POV

I got out of the shower glancing the clock as I saw I said 7:30 am."Crap I'm late for school!!",I quickly putted my uniform on as I grab my backpack with my phone and ran to school.

I made it one minute earlier so I went to class 2-9 in a rush as I approached Hanji and Isabel."Guys I have good news!!",I said as they faced me with curious faces."What?","Levi-","He kissed you?",Hanji said as I blushed, "W-Well yes but he-","He asked you to be his girlfriend?","N-No he-!","HE BANGGED YOU?!","NO ISABEL!!",I shouted flustered as everyone eyeded us.

"S-Sorry..and no he asked me on a date today","And then he'll bang you","HANJI!!",I shouted with my cheeks on fire as the bell rung."We'll see ya later (Y/n)!!",Isabel said leaving with Hanji as I sighed.

Why do they always embarras me?!

I felt a poke on my shoulder as I look back seeing Jen,with her scarf,and the plushy Eren,"Y-You okay..?You seem troubled..",Jen said with concern in her eyed as I shook my head smiling,"No it's fine.How have you and Eren been?",she flinched when I mentioned Eren as I forrowed my brows,"W-What's wrong..?",Jen looked almost at the verge of tears as she quickly wipped her eyes and sniffled."I-I'll tell you on lunch break..",I nodded as Levi and Eren came in while Jen quickly sat in the back avoiding Eren's gaze.

What happened between them?

I eyeded Levi as he mouthed that we needed to talk later.I nodded and sat on my desk when the class started.

~Timeskipping class~

It was free period since our teacher was absent and I made my way to Levi, "What is it?","I bet you already noticed the distance between the brat's didn't you?","Yeah I noticed.Do you know what happened?",Levi shooked his head as I sighed crossing my arms,"The brat hasn't said a word at all.The guy's depressed",we both look to the side seeing Eren and Jen avoiding contact when they pass each other.

"Jen's going to tell me on lunch break.Is Eren going to tell you?",I ask as he eyes me,"I'll try.",I nodded as Levi pecks my lips catching me off guard as I blush,"I'll see you on next period since you have Health now.Bye brat.",Levi said walking away as I watch him leave."Don't tease me..",I mumbled to myself as I made my way to the Health classroom and saw Jen in the corner drawing in her sketch notebook.

"Hey Jen.",I say walking up to her as she franaticly closes her notebook hiding it with pink dusted in her cheeks,"W-What..?","What were you drawing?It's fine if you don't show me.".I say with a small smile as she looked to the side,"I-I'll think about it..",I nodded as the bell rung and went to my seat when Isabel and Hanji came in,"Tinyyyy what's wrong with Eren and Jen?!",Hanji whined as I sighed,"I don't know,but I'll try to find out.",they nod as they sit in they're desks while I tap my chin.

Lunch is after this..

~Timeskipping this shiz lol~

I finished the last information as the bell rung and I instantly organized my stuff waiting for Jen.She saw me as she sighed walking towards me and we started going towards lunch room. "So..what happened?",Jen cringed a bit as she eyeded me."We fought that's all.",Jen said bluntly surprising me,"But why did you guys fought?","(Y/n)-san you have a date tonight..just forget about me..I actually wish to be left alone today..",Jen said walking away faster as I stopped in the middle of the hallway,stunned,watching her leave.

I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder,making me look back,as I saw Levi."L-Levi..","The brat didn't told me as well,he also said to be left alone",I nodded,with sadness in my eyes as,Levi kissed my temple,
"(Y/n) don't worry too much.They didn't told us cause they didn't want to ruin our date tonight. Trust me".I nodded as he send me a small smile."Now smile,you'll make everyone worry",Levi poked my side as I started laughing.

Well before a teacher scolded us.

"Go to eat!!"

We both walked away as we eyeded each other and snickered.

I finally reached home as I quickly took a shower and got a white dress out.I shrugged as I put it on and let my hair loose as I did a braid over my top like a crown going to the side.I didn't decide to wear make up as I glanced at the clock and saw that it pointed 6:54

I heard the doorbell ring as I went downstairs,openning the door,to see Levi in his usual attire,but with a black blazer over his shoulder."I'm surprised you're already dressed","And I'm surprised you're early",I giggle as he mumbles 'touché' and I grab my phone as we made our way to his car.

"So where are we going","I'm not saying","Fine..",I say with a frown buckling my seatbelt as Levi drove off.

"(Y/n) wake up","Huh?",I rub my eyes as I look around and saw a beach, but I couldn't see it well because it was dark.

Waif I fell asleep?!

"Yes you fell asleep and also we're in the beach cause there's a table there.",I nodded taking off my slippers and we arrived at the table who had dinner and wine making me stare in awe."Is this where you wanted to take me?",I say with a smile and he nods as I peck his cheek.

We started eating and drinking wine while we would have conversations.But I felt something wierd on the wine that made me stop drinking it.I grabbed the bottle and got wide eyeded when I saw that it had alcohol included.

This is Levi's fifth cup!

I heard him hiccup as I place the bottle down,"U-Uh Levi how about we head home?I'll drive!","No..I'll drive..",Levi said a bit lazy as I grabbed the keys and dragged him to the car."Nope I'll drive!",I placed him in the passengers seat as I got in the drivers seat and drove home.

Wow and I don't even have a liscence

An hour later I reach my house as I help Levi sit in the couch while I start going upstairs only to yelp when I got pinned on the wall by my wrists.

I looked infront and saw Levi staring at me with a serious expression as his eyes were a bit cloudy.

"It's wierd how I was the one that warned you of getting drunk.And yet I was the one that did"

"The tables were turned weren't they?"

Author's note I have two options here and I need you to decide

Levi and you have sexual relationship

You deal with him while he's drunk and everything is normal

Please decide and when I see enough comments I'll update
Thank you for choosing and see ya in the next chapter~!


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