Chapter 5 Part 1

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Auren slept until midday. Kado expected it though. She would have been exhausted. He spent the morning hunting small game. She would need some meat after the previous day's exertion. He was just glad she didn't wake until after he returned. Now he wouldn't have to explain why he had disappeared on her.

"Good afternoon," he said, when she opened her eyes.

She bolted upright. "Afternoon! Half my free day is gone! Ouch," she added as an afterthought, rubbing her sore muscles and groaning.

"You had a big day yesterday," Kado reminded her.

Auren reached into her bag, pulling out a book. "I still think I should get that five extra hours."

He chuckled. "We'll see."

The meat was cooking over the fire on a homemade spit, which Kado turned by hand every few minutes. Auren was content to spend her afternoon reading and nibbling on strawberries, which gave him a lot of time to think. He didn't want to wait too long before revealing her identity, but he wasn't sure she was ready. It usually went a lot better when she was worn out from a few days of rigorous physical activity.

This would be the last year Kado would have to train her in this way. He would need to tell her the entire truth the following year. He didn't look forward to telling her she wouldn't be attending a university with her friends. In fact, she would have to cut ties with her friends all together. It would be time for her to begin her training as a shadow stalker in earnest.

Auren would need to learn about where she came from and who she really was. It was just a matter of time before the Galvadi learned her identity. He could only do so much to protect her, so he had to prepare her to protect herself. She would need to learn how to keep her identity secret, and what she should do if they learned of who she was. Thankfully, in Drevin's dream the delohi-saqu was a male, so no one would even suspect a female. It was the only advantage they had for the moment.

Kado still had time to consider that issue though. Right now he needed to decide when would be the best time to give Auren, her memories back. The earlier he did it, the more time he would have with her for training. After having a day to rest, though, she would be more resistant. The best time to do it would be now. He had promised her a day off, but that was more to do with training. This technically wasn't training. He would simply tell her the truth about herself and returning memories of prior training. She could have the rest of her day off to reflect.

"Auren, we need to talk," Kado said.

She sat up carefully, favoring her sore muscles. "Whatever it is, I didn't do it."

He smiled. "You haven't done anything. There's something I need to tell you."

After folding the corner of her page to save her spot, she set the book aside. She leaned forward, concern etching her features. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong, but what I have to tell you may be hard for you to accept. I'm sure you have wondered about all the extra lessons and training I have given you."

Auren nodded.

"There is a reason for it. You are a shadow stalker." He paused to let her absorb the news.

For a moment, she sat as motionless. Then she laughed hysterically. "Kado, shadow stalkers aren't real, and even if they were once, they're all dead now. Next thing you'll be telling me is you're a shadow stalker too."

"I am." He wasn't surprised by her reaction. It was the similar to the ones he had gotten year after year. "This is no joke, Auren. You are a shadow stalker."

She stopped laughing, but she didn't seem ready to believe him yet. "If we're shadow stalkers, then why don't we have any powers? Aren't shadow stalkers supposed to have super powers or something?"

"We do. You just don't remember using them," he told her.

"What do you mean?" Her eyes narrowed as her humor vanished.

"Every year we visit an island in the Serpent Isles under the guise of going on a camping trip. When we get to our destination, I reveal the truth. We spend the summer training, then I conceal your memories of anything having to do with being a shadow stalker before returning home."

Auren didn't speak for a moment. Her expression was neutral, but Kado sensed the torrent of emotions she experienced. "But why?"

"'Why' is not important right now."

She frowned, shaking her head as she turned her gaze to the distant mountains. "So what do you mean you conceal my memories?"

"Every memory you have of your training over the years is there in your mind," he said, pressing two fingers on her forehead. "I return those memories to you during training. We begin where you left off the year before. Then to protect our secret, I conceal them again."

"Protect it from who?" she asked, folding her arms over her chest.

"I cannot have you telling people at school you are a shadow stalker."

"Like I would," she said, with a dark chuckle. "Even if I did, they'd think I was lying."

"They may not listen, Auren, but they would repeat it to others. Eventually the wrong ears would hear it."

"Wrong ears? Who are we hiding from?"

"It's no secret that the Galvadi Empire is the enemy of the shadow stalkers. They believe we have all been killed. If they learn the truth, that we are living among the people of the Coalition, they may decide to go to war again."

"I wouldn't tell anyone," she said, softly.

Kado smiled. "It's safer this way, Auren. I will return your memories to you, but I want to be sure you're ready."

She was quiet for a moment. "I don't know."

"It's okay," he assured her. "Take your time."

She nodded.

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