Chapter 3 Part 1

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Auren took off her shoes and dove into the lake. Normally the water would be freezing, but she wore a black, full body swimming costume with green stripes down the sides. The thin material was said to protect the wearer from extreme temperatures in the water, though Kado didn't understand how. He watched her swim for a moment, allowing her to warm up for what he had planned for the afternoon. She assumed they had come to the lake for a leisurely swim, but these camping trips weren't for recreational purposes. His ward was in training as she would soon find out. Within the next day or so he would have to tell her she was a shadow stalker, but he would wait for now. It usually went better when she was too exhausted to over think it.

"Are you coming in?" she asked after resurfacing.

"In a moment." He removed his boots and stood ankle deep in the water. It was still icy, and likely would be until about mid-summer. The fact that she hadn't complained about the freezing water meant the swimmers must have been working.

She swam as close as she could, splashing Kado. His black swimming costume, similar to Auren's, repelled most of the water. Although nothing covered his skin above the neckline, leaving it exposed to the chilling spray. She immediately swam away, likely expecting he would go after her. Instead he folded his arms over his chest, firming his lips to keep the grin from forming, while attempting to glare menacingly. She didn't look at all repentant. Well, now was the best time for him to get to work. She would think he was retaliating for the splash.

Kado summoned his ward with a wiggle of his finger.

She inched closer, stopping a few meters away from him, with a mischievous expression. "Consider it payback for all those cold showers."

He knew she'd come no closer. "We'll swim laps now. You haven't been at all active this year, and you'll need to get back in shape if you hope to keep up with me this summer."

Auren's grin disappeared. "You're joking right?"

"No, I'm not." Kado waded into the water. Although it was cold, the swimming costume he wore protected him from feeling the full effects. They had only purchased them a month before the trip. Auren begged him for weeks, swearing it would make swimming in the colder waters more tolerable. He just hoped she realized there would be times when donning protective clothing wouldn't be an option. He would have to run drills with her, requiring her to swim while fully clothed.

She gazed at him, her lips pressed together in a thin line. "You're really no fun at all," she said, when he stood next to her.

"Let's go," he said, heading toward the center of the lake.

The splashing of the water behind Kado told him Auren was following. Good. He glanced over his shoulder occasionally to see how far he had gone. A half of a kilometer would be a good goal for their first swim. It should have only taken about ten minutes to reach his destination, but she kept slowing. He slowed to match her pace. Flipping under the water, he faced the shore once he was sure they had swum far enough. Then waited for her to catch up before swimming back, preventing her from turning around early and cutting off almost fifty meters from her swim.

Kado didn't keep pace with her on the way to shore, hoping she would make an effort to keep up with him. She didn't. Instead she swam slower than she had during the first half of the lap. He sat in the grass observing her. A few times she stopped and rested before resuming the swim. Her strokes were sloppy due to her exhaustion.

"Catch your breath," he said, when she finally joined him almost ten minutes later.

She waited for her breathing to slow before attempting to speak. "I thought you said we were swimming laps."

"We are," Kado told her. "That was one lap."

"Kado, my arms and legs have gone limp. I couldn't swim that again."

"Really? Let's see." He rose from the ground, pulling her with him.

"Kado! Come on. I'm so tired."

With her arm still in his grip, he guided her back into the water. "This time try to keep pace with me."

Auren groaned, but dove in. Kado didn't go as far, but set a much quicker pace. To her credit, she kept up with him, though she was coughing and sputtering by the time they returned to the shore.

"No more—laps," she said, collapsing onto the ground.

"No, you did well. Next you'll be treading water."

Somehow Auren found the strength to rise to her feet and started climbing the hill to their campsite. Kado grinned. Already she had given up on the verbal protests and decided to walk away from the situation. It was part of the yearly power struggle he had grown used to. Not even threats of punishment would get her to return to the lake now. He would have to be trickier.

"I'll make you a deal," Kado said.

Auren paused, but she didn't turn around.

"For every minute you tread water, you will earn one minute of free time." He grinned when she turned to face him.

"Ten minutes."

Kado frowned. "Five minutes is my final offer. If you continue to argue, you get nothing in return, and I'll have you treading water until dark."

Auren sighed as she headed back toward the lake. "Fine, five minutes."

Kado checked his waterproof watch. They had been in the water for fifteen minutes, and she was showing signs of tiring. "If you can outlast me, I'll give you a whole day off."

Her face lit up, the promise of an entire day to herself renewed her energy. His goal wasn't to give her a lot of free time over the summer, but he wanted her to push herself. If it took rewarding her for her efforts to motivate her, that's what he would do. After about ten more minutes she was breathing heavily, and her expression contorted as though she was in pain.

"You're using too much movement and exerting more energy than you need to. Use your body's natural buoyancy and slow the motion of your arms and legs. Your head will be closer to the water, but you'll reserve some of your energy, and you'll be able to tread water much longer."

"Can't I—just float for—a while?"

"No, the deal was you would tread water for as long as you can. I'm offering you a way to earn more free time."

Aurenslowed her movements, her head tilting back as her chin came closer to thewater's surface. Although she was still breathing heavily, she appeared to bemore relaxed. Her eyes closed, and her breathing slowed. Touching her mindrevealed she instinctively initiated a meditation technique he had taught her afew summers before. It was a method that reduced the heart and breathing rates,while exerting yourself, to attain a state of rest. If she succeeded inmaintaining it, she could tread water for hours. He would give her another halfhour. 

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