Chapter 1 Part 2

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Kado was in his chair reading, waiting for his contact on the Dark Isle to summon him, when he heard a thump from upstairs. He closed his eyes and felt for his connection with his ward through the shadow world, where the shadow stalkers derived their powers. Auren was still in the deep sleep he had placed her in, so she must have been reading when she went to bed. He shook his head and went back to his book.

His study was the only room in the house where he could truly feel relaxed, other than his bedroom. Unlike Auren who had turned her bedroom into her personal recreation center, he only used his room for sleeping. Even after seventeen years, he was unaccustomed to living in such large dwellings. His people, the shadow stalkers, lived in small huts they used for sleeping, eating and staying out of bad weather. Larger homes took up more space in the natural world than needed and caused people to spend far too many hours indoors.

Kado preferred being outdoors, but for Auren's sake he had to fit into the local culture as much as possible. It was the only way to hide their identity, if his olive skin tone, green eyes and dark hair didn't give him away. Luckily, only those who had fought in the first war against the Galvadi Empire seemed to recognize him for what he was, and they were the people he worked with. People who had just as much of a need for secrecy as he did.

Most people believed he was a courier, but in truth he worked as a liaison between the Coalition and the shadow stalkers. He met with the Coalition's Council once a week, whether he needed to or not. For hours he would have to listen to them squabble about matters that were not important to him, just so he could be there for the issues that would affect his people and possibly his foster daughter. His meeting that morning was a complete waste of time. He stressed that they should build up their military in case the Galvadi invaded again, but they were content in their belief that the empire was no longer a threat. As the ruling body of the only islands left in the Serpent Isles that had remained free of the Galvadi's tyranny, and his only chance to keep her hidden and protected, he had no choice but to go along with them, for now.

Other than those meetings, he limited his contact with people as much as he could. No one knew who Auren was or his real reason for being there, and he would do everything in his power to make sure they didn't. Those who knew he was a shadow stalker, were under the impression she was a friend's child he fostered. Since they were aware his people did not raise their own children, they would not find it unusual.

The shadow stalkers did not know what happened to the child of their Foramar, Zain, and his wife. His people found Frai's body in a sacred grotto after the Galvadi had invaded the Dark Isle, the home of the shadow stalkers, killing many of the shadow stalkers and taking their Foramar captive. Her baby was gone, so most of them had presumed the invading soldiers had taken her. They weren't there to see Kado take the child through the shadow world to the relative safety of the Serpent Isles. They didn't even know she still lived, or he fostered a child at all.

Kado. A familiar mind touched him from the shadow world.

He sensed the veil at once and the mist swallowed him carrying him to the world of the spirits. Standing before him was his best friend, Cathnor. They had grown up together on the Dark Isle. Both had been raised by Auren's parents. Ciyon, brother.

Ciyon, Kado. It's good to see you, but we have to be quick.

Kado knew this all too well. The Council of Elders had assumed control of their people when the Galvadi abducted the Foramar, but many of them were allied with Drevin, the emperor of the Galvadi and former shadow stalker. They were the only ones who knew it was a shadow stalker, and not the Galvadi soldiers, who had taken Auren from the Dark Isle that day. If he wasn't careful, they would discover it was he who had been protecting her all these years. Then the emperor would know where to find her and come after her.

How are things back home?

Not as good as they could be. The council has refused to send anyone else after the Foramar. They say it's too dangerous.

They could be right. Many had already lost their lives, Kado's wife included. She went to Nadiria, the seat of the Galvadi Empire, a year after their daughter had been born to locate Zain, but they discovered she was a shadow stalker. She took her own life before the Galvadi could detain her, but she had not learned enough about the Foramar's whereabouts to help them.

No Kado, their intentions seem to be nefarious.

I will look into it then, he told Cathnor. How is my daughter?

She's well. I have to go, Kado. Stay safe.

You too. Hereturned from the shadow world traveling straight to his bedroom. He and Aurenwere leaving Appolia in a few hours, so he had to get some sleep.     

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