Chapter 11 Part 3

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Back in the village, the people were just beginning to wake. Kado and Auren were directed to the town hall where the injured had been taken. Other villagers had been taking it in turns during the night to look after them and see to their wounds. It was easy to see they were exhausted. A young woman met them at the door.

"I'm sorry. If you're here for the midsummer celebration, it's been canceled. Our village was attacked by a wild beast yesterday, and we have injured to tend to," she told them, ushering them out the door.

"That's why we are here. We have hunted down the beast, so he will no longer be a threat to your village. We returned because I have the ability to heal your people, and I'd like to help if I can."

A look of relief melted her hard expression. "Oh, well please come in then."

"Tell me whose injuries are the worst, and I will help those people first."

The woman led them to the back of the hall where those who were mortally wounded lay dying. "I will leave you with Jemma and go help prepare the dead for the funeral."

Kado nodded. "Auren, you go with her. There's nothing you can do here for the moment."

She seemed reluctant to go, but relented with a sigh when she gazed up at him. After she left, Kado closed his eyes. He needed to access the shadow world, but he would not be completely entering it for this. First, he needed to assess who was closest to death. A teenage boy stood out from the rest. His spirit was already preparing to join the shadow people.

What's your name? he asked the boy.

I'm Tobin. Where am I?

You're in the shadow world, Tobin.

He sucked in a breath, though he couldn't truly breathe, and looked like he was about to panic. I'm dead?

Not yet. I'm here to heal you if that's what you want.

I don't want to die.

Then I will do my best to help you.

Kado merged his spirit with the boy's to support him during the process. Healing injuries this serious was both painful and frightening, especially after such a traumatic experience. He would have to heal his mind as well as his body if the boy was to have any chance of survival.

Tobin was still close to panic, but Kado filled his entire being with a sense of calm. He set to work once the boy was relaxed. His left lung had been torn by the demon, so he'd have to start there. Repairing the damage was simple enough. In some ways it was like gluing together pieces of a puzzle, but to the patient, the glue felt like a hot iron. Tobin's calm was broken as soon as the searing heat touched his body.

Please make it stop, he begged.

Kado couldn't break his concentration long enough to console him. He had to keep going. After fixing his lung and liver, he moved on to repairing his bowels and then the broken bones. Now that most of his body had been healed, Tobin found his voice and screamed. Jemma came over to check on him. She didn't look to be much older than Tobin.

"He's okay," Kado told the man. "The healing is painful, but he will survive."

The young girl held Tobin's hand and reassured him, which gave Kado the opportunity to focus solely on healing. When his body was mended, he started on the boy's mind. Kado removed memories of the healing process. It was something he did not need to remember. While he wouldn't remove the memories of the attack, he implanted some coping mechanisms so the boy could move on with his life without being greatly affected by the trauma he suffered. He'd still need time to overcome the fears it would cause, but it would not destroy his life.

When the healing was done, he put Tobin into a deep sleep. Jemma stiffened as though she thought the boy might have passed.

"He is sleeping," Kado explained.

She nodded as her body relaxed, and he moved on to his next patient. This man was older, and he would not respond when Kado spoke to him in the shadow world. He simply turned and walked away, so he wished the man well and moved on. Some people did not want to be healed, and their wishes had to be respected. It was part of the code set by the shadow people that shadow stalkers were expected to live by.

By the time Kado helped the more severely injured villagers, it was well into the afternoon. The woman who had left earlier with Auren returned with a bowl of stew for him.

"Thank you," he said, accepting the meal.

"No, thank you."

"Jemma?" Tobin sat up.

"Tobin," the young girl cried and ran to the boy. "You're alive."

They held each other in a tight embrace.

"Tobin is her little brother," another of the villagers, who had been there helping the injured, explained. "My name is Brock. I'm the village squire. I can't begin to express how thankful we are you have come to us."

Kado nodded and accepted Brock's hand, giving it a firm shake. "I'm Kado, and I'm thankful I was able to help most of them. I will continue to heal the others, but I will need to rest first, since their injuries are not as grave."

"Of course. Take all the time you need. You are welcome to spend the night in my home."

"Thank you."

Kado felt recharged enough after eating to do more healing. He focused on the broken bones and deeper cuts. By the evening, most of the villagers were able to return to their homes. He would have to finish the rest in the morning.

Brock led Kado to a guest room in his two floor home. Auren had already settled onto a makeshift bed on the sofa downstairs. Helping the villagers prepare their dead had taken its toll on her. She was glad to help, and part of her felt as though she had been repaying a debt. It would help her cope down the road even if she was having a difficult time with being the cause of all the pain these people were suffering.

Shewasn't solely responsible though. Kado knew he had played his part by not goingafter the demon when he had the chance. He allowed his feelings for his fosterdaughter to cloud his judgment, and these people paid the price.     

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