Chapter 11 Part 1

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Kado took off after the demon. Auren did her best to keep up, but she didn't want to chance tripping on the uneven tunnel floor and hurting herself. If her clumsiness allowed the demon to get away again, she wouldn't forgive herself, as if she'd be able to forgive herself anyway. Her foster father slowed when the tunnel forked again, but quickly chose the right tunnel. She started to follow him when a shadow passing the end of the tunnel to her left caught her attention.

If she went after it on her own, what would she do if she actually found it? She'd have to think of something. Kado was too far ahead to call for him, and she didn't want to risk the demon hearing her. Making up her mind, she followed the shadow. Around the bend, where she had seen it pass, the tunnel opened into a small cavern with a hole in the center that was about two meters wide. Beyond the hole was a ledge, where the demon stood glaring down at her. It knew why she was there.

Seeing the intelligence in its eyes for the first time, she realized Kado was right. The demons were definitely not mindless beasts. She doubted it could learn to read and add, but it definitely had advance problem solving and reasoning skills for a monster. At the moment it scanned the little cavern, seeming to calculate its options. It was a dead end and Auren blocked the only exit. If it decided its only escape was through her, she wouldn't stand a chance. She had to keep it up there until she could get Kado to come and help.

"Kado," she called.

Instead of answering her out loud, she heard his voice in her head. Where are you?

In some dead end, and I've got the demon trapped, but he's not happy to be here.

Stay put.

BeforeAuren could respond, Kado traveled through the shadow world, appearing next toher.

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