Chapter 14

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"That is true and I don't know you." I told him as I looked up from the floor to look at him.

He seemed to think for a moment before his face lit up. "I got it! Lets play 20 questions!" He exclaimed.

I let out a small laugh. "Isn't that a little cliche?" I asked with a smile.

He started to laugh. "I agree but then again it is the best way to get to know someone."

That is true.

And that is how we ended up playing 20 questions, actually it was more like 50 questions, for almost two hours even though it had stopped raining a long while ago.

Kara's POV

I clutched my sides which hurt from laughing so hard. I glanced back up at Jace with tears in my tears in my eyes. Now don't worry, they weren't sad tears, they were tears that had formed from laughing so hard.

Jace and I have been play twenty questions for almost two hours. It was nice to be able to get to know him and hang out with just him.

You know the saying 'don't judge a book by its cover'. I felt like before that I was judging Jace off his looks. I mean, I didn't really know that much about him and then I liked him? Now though, hanging out with him and getting to know him made me realize that I really did like him. But I wasn't going to tell him.


My laughter finally ceased and I opened my mouth to ask Jace another question when my phone started to go off, cutting me off.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and answered it before looking at the caller Id.

"Hello?" I said into the phone as I got up and stepped out of Jace's room to talk.

"ARE YOU OK? WHERE ARE YOU? WHY DIDN'T YOU COME HOME AFTER SCHOOL?" The person on the other line yelled.

I quickly pulled the phone away from my ear once they started to yell. I looked at the called id and saw that it was my brother and I internally groaned.

"Ethan, I am fine so calm down. I went to my friends house after school since it was raining and that's where I am right now. Like I said before, calm down."

He is so overprotective and it drives me crazy sometimes.

"Why didn't you call me or heck even texted me? You are with Jessica and Taylor right?" Ethan asked me, calming down a bit. You could still hear the worry in his voice though.

Oh crap. I hadn't told him about Jessica and Taylor ditching me, but right now wasn't the time. Anyways, if he knew that I was a a boys house, he would freak. Yeah now isn't the time.

"Look I forgot. Mom and dad are rarely home and you are off at college so most of the time I don't have to tell anyone where I am going." I told him getting a bit frustrated.

It was true. They are rarely home so I don't have to tell anyone where i'm at. I just fend for myself and that's that.

"Ok I will cut you some slack. Just next time shoot me a text so I don't worry so much. You never answered my question though, you are with Jessica and Taylor right?"

With another sigh I answered him with a lie."Yeah I am. Look I have to go, I will be home soon." and then I hung up.

Lying. I hate it with a passion, but yet here I am doing it. A lot actually.

Walking back into Jace's room, I put on a fake smile and hoped it worked. I was lying to Jace also by not telling him that it was me writing those sticky notes.

"Is everything ok?" Jace asked me with a concerned look on his face.

Putting on my fake smile once more I grabbed my sweatshirt and backpack. I turned back to Jace who wore a confused, but concerned expression.

I couldn't handle being here with him anymore or I was sure that the feeling of guilt would cause me to blurt out that I was the girl writing the sticky notes to him. Right now was not the time to blurt that out. Especially since everything was going good.

"Um, my brother called and he said I needed to come home. So yeah bye."

I started to walk out of his house and down the stone pathway. I hadn't got very far when a hand landed on my shoulder and stopped me from walking any father.

Turning around, I saw that it was Jace that stopped me. When I turned, our faces became close. So close that our noses almost touched.

"Kara, are you sure you are ok?" He asked quietly.

I wanted to take a step back, I needed to step back, but for some odd reason I couldn't. It was like I was frozen in place or like my feet were glued to the ground. I couldn't speak either due to the closeness of our faces so I simply nodded.

I forced my eyes to look into his and not down at his lips. I knew if I did that I would kiss him and then I would regret it. Jace doesn't like me I know.

Pressure on my lips made my mind snap back into focus. Then it hit me that Jace was kissing me.

My eyes widened and my body went stiff before I relaxed, closed my eyes, and kissed him back. It was a good thing he was holding on my waist or I would have fallen.

All good things must come to an end at some point sadly though. Jace pulled back and I opened my eyes and stared into his.

He then released me and took a step back.

"Maybe we can hang out again soon." Jace said with a smile.

I nodded my head once more since I still couldn't speak. Jace then retreated back into his house and I turned and left.

Even though it started to rain again, the stupid smile on my face didn't fade away. I just simply pulled my hood up to cover my head and kept on walking back to the school to get my car.

It did shock me that Jace kissed me. It honestly did. I wasn't complaining though. Not at all.

The only thing was that the guilt was still there. I knew it would be until I told Jace the truth but as I said before, now was not the time.

I arrived home a while later and I was still soaked to the bone from the rain. I walk in my house passing Ethan on the way and ignoring his questions and went straight to the nice warm shower.

After taking a long shower and getting dressed in a pair of sweats and a tank top, I went down stairs and prepared myself for a ton of questions from my brother.

Stepping off the last step, I walked into the kitchen and saw that my brother wasn't in there but the was a pizza. So what did I do? I got some pizza then I continued to look for my brother.

I found him in the living room watching tv. I walked in a sat in the recliner and waited for the quiestions. After a few minutes they still didn't come.

"Can you go ahead and ask all the questions?" I said with a sigh.

I looked over at my brother and he finally looked away from the game that was playing on the tv. "I'm not going to question you. I thought about everything for a while and I realized that you are old enough to make your own decision and I need to stop being so overprotective." Ethan finally said.

I smiled at my brother and walked over to him and hugged him.

"Just know that I will hurt anyone that hurts you." he added.

I laughed and hugged him. I do have a great brother.

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