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Jace's POV

"Come back here, Kimmy!" I exclaimed as I ran after my three year old daughter, trying to get her to put her shoes on.

She simply ignored me and continued giggling and running around barefoot. As I got close to her and reached out to grab her my foot connected with something and I went flying forward.

As I fell to the ground with a thud and a groan, I hear footsteps running into the room.

"Jace, are you ok?" I looked up and saw Kara, my wife, standing above me with worry on her face.

"Yeah i'm fine." I flashed her a smile and got up. I looked over and my eyes made contact with our son, Ryan who picked up his skateboard from the ground. I have to say, even though he is only fifteen, he acts just like I did.

Small arms wrapped around my leg and I look down to see Kimmy smiling up at me while she reached up at me. I picked her up and smiled at Kara.

We have now been married sixteen years and trust me they have been the best years of my life. I don't care how cliche that sounds.

With that thought my mind flashed back to the day I had proposed to her and what a nervous wreck I had been.

*Sixteen and a half years earlier.*

"Dude, just calm down. I am pretty positive that she won't say no. Then again she could say no and your heart will be broken."

I stopped pacing my bedroom floor to glare at my best friend who was laying on my bed tossing a baseball. He wasn't helping the situation at all. I was so nervous at the moment.

"You are not helping, Max!" I said in frustration.

Max stopped tossing the baseball in his hands and sat up. He gave me a look and rolled his eyes.

He has already gone through this so he should be helpful. Yes, Max is engaged to his fiance Jane. She is a cool chick, but not a cool Kara obviously. Thats beside the point though.

"Jace, I was kidding. Kara isn't going to say no, trust me." Max said to me reassuring me.

I pulled out the small black box out of my pocket. I opened in a glance at the diamond ring that was tucked away inside, like I had about a hundred times since I bought it last week.

Today was the day. The day I was going to ask Kara to marry me and I hoped she would say yes. I have everything planned out and I hope everything would go good.

I closed that small box and glanced at the clock. It was time to go pick her up.

I grabbed my jacket and keys before I made my way to the door. Then I remembered something so I ran back into the house.

"Max!" I shouted as I ran back into my room.

Max jumped at my irrupt entrance.

"Don't forget the plan!" I exclaimed.

He rolled his eyes once more. "Dude, you seriously need to calm down. I won't forget so don't worry. Now, go get your girl!"

That's just what I did.

I droved to Kara's house and picked her up just like any other date we had went on. This date was different though, instead of going to out to dinner or to a movie, we are going on a picnic.

As I pulled up at our destination Kara turned to me with a confused look.

"Jace why are we at the skate park? You know it closed down like six months ago right?" Kara said in a soft voice.

I nodded my head and got out of the car. I reached into the trunk and got out the picnic blanket and basket. Then with my free hand I grabbed Kara's hand.

We slipped through the small opening in the old gate. Once we got in I looked around. Everything still looked the same other than the over grown grass in some spots.

I walked over and sat down the blanket in the middle of the park. I sat down and started to unpack the food as Kara started to walk over.

We enjoyed our lunch and when we finished my phone ran signalling that Max was here and that it was time.

"Max is calling me. I am going to take this, I will be right back so don't move." Then I jumped up and ran over to the front gate.

"Ok so heres your skateboard, the sticky notes oh and a sharpie. Do you need anything else?" Max asked me as he handed over the things.

"That's it. Thanks dude." I told him as I turned to walk away.

"Jace wait." I stopped and turned back to Max. "Good luck." Max told me before he walked away back to his car.

'This is it.' I thought to myself as I stuck my sticky note to the skateboard. I gently pushed the skateboard with my foot. I watched as it gently approached and stopped in front of Kara.

Here goes nothing.

Kara's POV that same day.

I watched Jace's back as he walked away to talk on his phone then I looked back down at the picnic blanket. This is one of the sweetest things Jace has done and its simple. I love it.

My thoughts were brought back when something stopped in front of me. I looked and saw that it was a skateboard. I glanced up in confusion and saw no one not even Jace.

When I looked back down at the skateboard I saw that there was something on it. I reached over and picked it up seeing that it was a sticky note.

Marry me?

After reading those words I just stared at the piece of paper. I turned it over and saw that there were more words.

Look up.

I did as it said and when I did I saw Jace kneeling there in front of me with a diamond ring in a tiny black box. I just stared in his direction with wide eyes. I didn't move nor speak, I was froze.

"Well, what do you say?" Jace asked in a shaky voice. I could clearly see that he was really nervous.

Yet, I still was frozen.

When I didn't move or speak his face fell. He slowly stood up and closed the small boz and put it back into his pocket.

He walked over to me and sighed. "I'm sorry Kara. I thought that since we have been dating for two years that you might want to get married. I'm sorry i knew it was too soon. Umm, just forget that this even happe-"

I cut his rabbling off by kissing him. After a few moments I pulled away and hugged him.

"Yes. A million times yes!" I exclaimed in joy.

"I thought that it was a no since you weren't speaking or moving." He said a bit confused.

I smiled up at him. "I was shocked. I wasn't expecting any of this and I was surprised. Oh its definitely a strong yes, not a no." I explained to him.

Jace then proceeded to pick me up and spin me around in circles as he wore a huge grin. He just made me the happiest girl alive.

*Back to Jace's POV Sixteen and a half years after that day*

As I hugged my family, I stared up at the photos on the wall ahead. Photos from our high school years, our marriage, Ryan's birth, Kimmy's birth, and our recent family pictures.

All the best memories.

The ones I would never trade for anything.


And that my friends is the official end to 'Sticky-Notes & Skateboards. Sad right?

I want to take a moment and thank EVERYONE. Thank you for all the reads, votes, and comments. It truly means a lot to me.

There will be no sequel to this story. Im sorry!

Thanks again to everyone!


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