23:I Had Cried Enough For A Life Time

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Chapter 23

Cassie's P.O.V

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, I nodded quickly before whispering a yes. Niall's grip on me loosened before I was left feeling cold.

"You've got to be kidding me." He yelled clearly angry

"What?" I asked confused

"Niall." Harry snapped.

"Are you shitting me?" Niall yelled.

"What's going on?" I yelped.

Niall scoffed before storming off down the hall, I went to follow but a hand caught my arm, I turned to see Harry, worried was the only expression I saw.

"I don't think you should follow him." Harry whispered

"I'm going to." I spoke, my voice horse.

I shook off Harry's grip before running off down the hall to find Niall before he could stop me, Harry was hot on my tail as his feet stopped after mine. I turned around the corner and winced when Niall slammed the door shut, I ran straight up to it and pushed it open, it flung back and hit the wall and Niall's head snapped to the door.

"What the fuck is going on." I snapped

"You want to know?" Niall barked

"Of course I do." I snarled

"I'm in love with you Cassie, god damn it. I always have been, and you chose to go back to that arsehole. He cheated on you." He yelled his voice not softening at all.

I processed the words, my breath was sucked out of my lungs, Niall loved me? Eleanor was right, but that wasn't what had caused the pang of pain that shot through me, Harry had cheated? What? Could that have been why he dumped me? My nose instantly started to sting as my vision blurred. I span around quickly to Harry, who stood there his head hung low.

"H-Harry?" I whispered, "I-is it true?"

His head slowly rose, "Cassie, I'm sorry, I thought you were cheating on me with Niall, and I-I was angry and drunk, I-it mean nothing, I swear."

In an instant my hurt was replaced by anger, how could he? How dare he? My hand rose before it made a sharp contact with Harry cheek, He was taken aback by the slap he had just received.

"How the fuck could you?" I spoke harshly, the venom in my voice

"I thought you were cheating on m-me, you spent so much time with him that I thought you could develop feelings for him, then when I saw a picture of you two that looked like you were kissing I flipped shit." I didn't want to listen to him, every word stung more and more.

"Well guess what asshole." I snapped.

Harry looked at me with tear filled eyes, Niall attention was on us, but as to what he was feeling was unreadable.

"What?" Harry questioned, barely a whisper

"I did develop feelings for Niall." I spoke the truth that I had only admitted to myself and Vikki.

"What?" They both yelled in unison.

"That's right Harry. I have developed feelings for Niall." I spoke again, my tone harsher.

"Well whose it gonna be?" He snapped back as harsh, "Me or him?"

"You can't expect me to pick right now." I yelled

"Alright fine." Harry spoke, "We will go to two locations and wait 45 minutes, if you don't show up we haven't been chosen."

"I'll go to the Café" Niall spoke pushing past us, he looked back at me one more time and smiled before disappearing.

"I'll go to the girls hotel." Harry mumbled, "I know what I did was unforgivable, but please Cassie... I love you."

With that he turned around and walked towards the end of the hall, before turning out of sight. I slid down the wall. The fuck just happened? The tears fell harder than earlier, which surprised me because I thought after that I had cried enough for a life time.

I have no idea what to do or how I feel. Harry's been that guy I grew up with, the feelings I have for him are indescribable, yet the feelings I hold for Niall are different, so different. When Harry laughs I smile, when Niall laughs I'm proud and amazed because I caused him the happiness. Yes, Harry's confession hurt. Was I more hurt by the fact the guy I'd grown up with, had scooped so low just to get back at me and cause me pain, not thinking about almost throwing the friendship away again? or was it the fact he was meant to be mine and only mine?

Niall's confession surprised me, but it also didn't, deep down I knew he liked me and I know I liked him too, yet I was too scared to admit to it at first. Ignoring the words about Harry, when I repeat his confession over and over again in my head each one sends tingles throughout my entire body. Listen to your heart, I didn't know who it belonged too, but now, I'm almost sure I know who it belongs too.

I let out a sigh as I stood up. I knew what I had to do, and I knew I had to clean this mess up. I looked to the clock on the wall, I have 30 minutes to go and explain myself. Jesus Christ I hope I'm doing the right thing here.


Drama Lama



1) Whose Cassie going to pick?

2) Opinions on Liam and Sophia? I have nothing agasint her, if Liam is happy then shes doing it right.

Your comments and votes have just been wow!

18 Comments and 40 votes for the next chapter, IT WILL BE UPDATED WHEN I GET THE REQUIRED AMOUNT




Thank you for everything!


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