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Oikawa jogged through the hallways during break, looking for you. The two of you hadn't talked since he asked you out, which was 2 days ago. He ran pretty much the whole school when he finally found you outside walking in the opposite direction. He sprinted up to you and grabbed hold of your wrist. "(L/n)-san!"

You turned around and looked at him confused. "Can I help you Oikawa-san?" You asked and raised an eyebrow. He caught his breath, stood up straight and looked you in the eye, "Do you wanna eat lunch with me?" You groaned and rolled your eyes at him, "Oikawa I already said that I'm not interest-"

"No! Not like that!" He shook his head and smiled at you. "You're the first girl to have ever rejected me so I was wondering if you'd like to be friends. Every girl I've ever befriended was always faking but you seem like... You wouldn't do that." You pondered for a bit, debating whether or not to have lunch with him. "And besides," he continued, "it's not just me. Iwa-chan's gonna be there and so are two of my friends. Their names are Hanamaki and Matsukawa. Please~" He whined and pleaded.

"Fine..." His eyes lit up and he grabbed both of your hands. "Great! Meet me and Iwa-chan outside our class." You smiled and giggled at his excitement and walked off to your next class.

Time skip cause author-chan is lazy

Hanamaki and Matsukawa were no longer a comedy duo...THEY WERE NOW A COMEDY TRIO WITH YOU HERE! You made a great first impression with the two boys and now you were all at the lunch table taking the piss out of Oikawa. "Guys~ stop being mean!" He whined and you and Hanamaki linked arms and stared skipping in circles while chanting, "Trashy-kawa! Trashy-kawa! Useless! Useless! Useless Trash!" with Matsukawa filming.

"Would you three calm down?" Iwaizumi said and looked at the three of you. You all sat down with you sitting between the two hyper boys. "You know (l/n)-san," Matsukawa started and looked at you while you drank from your bottle. "You are a cool girl and it was nice to meet you." Hanamaki then smacked your back and half of your water went all over your face.

"...Sorry." Hanamaki said and handed you a napkin. You wiped your face and stuffed the used napkin in his face and the two of you stared a friendly fight.

"I think it was a mistake to introduce them to each other..." Iwaizumi groaned and rubbed his temples. He looked to his side to see Oikawa crying over the mean comments the three of you had made. "Oikawa, stop crying you idiot." Oikawa turned his head to look at Iwaizumi and pouted. He them turned to look at you since Iwaizumi didn't seem to care if he was teary eyed. He saw you and Maki fighting, and Matsukawa just sitting there smiling. Both you and Maki grabbed each other's lunch and stuffed it into the others mouth making you both choke for a second before calling it a tie. He laughed and patted Iwaizumi's shoulder. "I think she's a great addition."


This chapter sucks I know I just needed to introduce Hanamaki and Matsukawa cause we need the two meme kings.

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