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Coming to you from Paris. I'm on holiday and so chapter 15 may take some time to write

You, Maki, Matsu, Yahaba, Watari and Kindaichi where running around school screaming. Why? Exams were over...and also because Iwa and Kyotani were chasing you for being idiot (Kyotani was of course asked by Iwa to help.)

They finally caught all of you (gotta catch them all) and the team gathered in the gym. They agreed to celebrate finishing the exam season by going to a river by Oikawa's house to light some fireworks.

Everyone met up after sunset and helped carry the fireworks to the river. You guys lit some fireworks every so often and played with sparklers. You noticed that Oikawa would jump every time a firework went off and so you whispered an idea to Maki and Matsu.

Oikawa was sitting in the river bank with a sparkler. You, Maki and Matsu bought out your phones and snuck up behind him. You all put the volume up on your phones and blasted a firework video right next to his ear.

Oikawa screamed and lost his balance. He rolled down the bank and landed in the water. Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared as oikawa emerged from under the water. You and Iwa ran to the edge and pulled him up. "Sorry oikawa! I didn't think you'd-" you were inturupted by oikawa rustling your head. "It's fine (y/n), but...ah...aH...AHCOO!" He started shivering. "Can we get to my house before I get a cold."
"If you get a cold I'm gunna punch you."

You all walked over to Oikawa's house and he went to take a quick shower while the rest if you started playing video games. After a while you got up and went upstairs to pee.

You got to the top of the stair case and slowly walked down the hallway. Iwa told you that the toilet was the second door on the right. You turned the corner and froze and so did oikawa.

He just exited the bathroom and was soaking wet. He had nothing on other that a towel with caused you to blush. His six pack caught your eyes especially. Sure you had seen it before like when he changes for a practise match but the water trickling down his skin left you mesmerising. Your eyes traveled down and his v line made your heart race.

He came out fixing his towel but after realising you were there he let go and jumped back. "(Y/n)-ch-" He stopped. Why? He felt the towel around him fall to the floor. Since you were already staring at his v line all you could see was his...

Your blush just spread to every part of your body and you turned away and covered your eyes. "Ahh! S-sorry oikawa! I was looking for the toilet!"
"Don't worry." He picked up his towel and went to his room. "Ok I'm gone." He said once in his room. You turned slowly and saw him gone. Giving a heavy sigh, you walked to the bathroom door and was about to open it when oikawa poked his head out of his bedroom door. "(Y/n)-chan, we never speak of this."
"For once I agree with you."

You both retreated back behind the doors. Once you locked yourself in the bathroom you slid down the wall and sat down. Your blush wasn't going. The picture of oikawa in all his glory was stuck in your mind and was pretty much engraved onto the inside of your eye lids.

You quickly went to toilet and made your way back downstairs. Not long later did oikawa come down. They were getting a movie ready and when it was all set up the team ran to the couches only leaving a small space for you and Oikawa. Iwa and Yumi noticed you two acting weird and so made sure they were the last to leave later on.

"Oikawa?" He turned to the two and hummed. "Did something happen between you and (y/n)?" They asked. Oikawa started to turn red all over and stuttered. "W-well nothing in p-particular! S-she just saw..."
"Saw what? You naked or something." Yumi joked and Iwa snickered.

They both stopped and stared. "Let me explain! I was coming out of the bathroom and she was there and my towel fell off and and...ugh! It took me everything to not take her there and then!" After asking them what to do, with them giving stupid advise, they went home and Oikawa went to bed.

You had gone home and was in bed trying to sleep. Once again you couldn't. You got up and went to kitchen. You just sat there at the table and your mum came in and took a seat. "What happened this time." You not being able to sleep and your mum coming to talk to you because quite normal. "Mum, I think you were right."
"About what?"
"About me...liking oikawa."

She smiled. "You finally excepted it." She took another look at you and was confused. "Hey, why do you look so upset?" You did look pretty gloomy. You gave a heavy sigh and leaned your head into your palm. "I don't want to love him." You pout.
"Why?" She looked more confused than Kageyama. "I don't want to be his fangirl."

Your mum tried to contain her laughter but failed. "That's your reason!? You're not a fangirl. All of them just like him for his looks and are lying to themselves. You're close to him and love him for who he is. You developed your crush. It's different. Do you feel better now?" She looked up at you and found you asleep. Well that was rude.

She picked you up and took you to bed. After tucking you in she left to the door and heard you mumbling. "Hm...I love you oikawa..." Your mum giggled and left you to dream about oikawa.

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