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"Thanks Tooru for doing this." Oikawa sister said as they walked through her house. Oikawa had been asked to take care of Hotaru for a few hours since she and Oikawa's brother in law needed to go somewhere.

"Mum," Hotaru came from behind the corner and said, "it's going to be boring with just me and uncle tooru!" He kept on complaining when Oikawa's sister- you know what she needs a name.. Saki, there.

-when Saki asked oikawa if he wanted to invite a friend. "No!" Hotaru cried. "Iwaizumi-san is scary and Maki and Matsu are weird. Plus they're his only friends." Oikawa growled and tried to pull his ear but Saki stopped him. "FYI I do have more friends!"
"Tooru behave." Oikawa stopped and pulled out his phone.

He left the room and called you. "Hey Trashikawa, you need something?" You asked after picking up.
"Hey (y/n)! I wanted to ask a favour."
"Sure, what is it?"
"Can you help me babysit my nephew?"
"I'M NOT A BABY!" Hotaru yelled and you giggled when oikawa started cursing under his breath. "Sure."
"REALLY!?" He smiled and told you that he'd send you the address.

Time skip cause author-chan is lazy!

You got to the house and knocked. You were greered by Saki who lead you to the living room. You walked in and found Hotaru and Oikawa fighting and throwing around Hotaru's volleyball gear. He saw you and stopped fighting. "(Y/n)-cha-" Hotaru threw a pillow at his face and stared at you thinking he'd be in trouble since he thought you were his fangirl.

"That's it!" Oikawa yelled and threw the pillow back. You caught it and spiked it at his face. "Oikawa! You're being a bad example for your nephew!" You yell and he stopped. "Sorry (y/n)-chan."

He started cleaning and Hotaru looked at you. "Well (y/n)-san, it was nice meeting you. I'm sure you have this under control." Saki said and left. You looked at Hotaru and patted his head. "So you're Hotaru-"
"What did uncle tooru offer you?" He said in a monotone. "...what?"
"There's no way my uncle would have a friend who's a girl unless it's staged. Did he offer you a date or something?"

You started giggling. "Me and him?! Please! I'd rather date a fish." LIES!!
"He's like a fish since he's stupid."
"Nah, he's trash."

You and Hotaru continued to talk shit about oikawa and he started tearing up. "(Y/n)-chan! Don't be mean to me! You know I'm soft." He whined and hugged you from behind. Your eyebrow twitched and you tried to get out of his grasp but gave up. Once you stopped struggling he smiled and dug his head into your shoulder. He pretender to be upset and fake cried so you wouldn't notice his behaviour, but Hotaru saw right through his act.

"Ok seriously Oikawa, let go." He did and Hotaru told you that he was hungry. You and Oikawa walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Hang on! Uncle tooru, you're not cooking anything." You looked at Hotaru confused. "Can't he cook?"
"No. Last time he set the food on fire." You looked at Oikawa and he gave you his signature tongue out wink. "Useless Trash." You scowled and he went to the corner to cry.

"There's a pizza place near by so-" Hotaru started. However you inturupted. "That won't be necessary. Both of them looked at you and found you tying up your hair. You went back to the kitchen and took out some things and placed them on the counter. "I'll cook dinner. You two watch TV and entertain yourselves."
"Ok." The small boy said and dragged his uncle away.

A few minutes later, after Oikawa recovered from you calling him trash, did both boys smell something good coming from the kitchen. Oikawa got up and went to see what it was. He got there and saw some food being boiled and cooked on the stove but you weren't there. He went towards the food and was going to dip his finger into it when...

"(Y/n)-san! Uncle Tooru's trying to eat the food!" You came in and told him off saying how he might of burnt himself or done something stupid. You then turned to Hotaru. "Thanks Hotaru for telling me." He smiled and asked, "can I get a kiss for helping."

Oikawa's eyebrow twitched and looked at his nephew who was giving him an evil smirk. He was up to no good. Since he was just a kid you said yes and gave him a peck on the forehead. You went back to cooking and Oikawa went off mumbling curses under his breath again.

This happened numerous times again and again. Hotaru would help you with something and would ask for a kiss in return. Oikawa was just getting pissed now and just pouted half the time.

Hotaru was getting sleepy and so you put him to bed. You walked back down the stairs and saw oikawa sitting on the couch in the living room. You noticed that he was upset a while ago. "Hey oikawa, what's wrong?" You asked and stood behind his spot on the couch.

"Nothing!" He pouted and crossed his arms. You raised an eyebrow. "Oikawa don't be difficult. What's up?"
"...it's Hotaru." You looked at him completely confused by what he meant. "What do you mean?"
"The way you thank him for the things he does. You seem to appriciate him more. I mean I've helped you with so many things! I introduced you to Maki and Matsu. I made you the manager. I helped you with Yumi and Iwa. I got you over your fear of water. I know this sounds needy and self centred but I with you showed me that you were thankful. Sometimes I think I'm just getting in your way..."

There was a pause of hesitation from you before you walked closer behind him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. You gave him a sweat kiss on the cheek which lasted a while. You pulled away and then mumered into his back. "I'm sorry for making you feel like that. I appreciate everything you do for me. Thank you."

His stiff shoulders loosened and he smiled. "That all I need to hear." You let go and look up at the clock in the wall. "Oikawa it's getting late. I should get going." He got up and led you to the door. You gave him a hug before leaving and once you were gone Oikawa marched upstairs to Hotaru's room. He opened the door and saw him still awake.

"To really annoy me sometimes you know th-"
"Where my thank you?" Oikawa tilted his head in confusion. "What?"
"I got your crush to kiss you by making you jelous. Where's my thank you?" Oikawa's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "So you were just asking for kisses from (y/n)-chan just to annoy me so that I'd ask for one too?!"

Hotaru gulped since oikawa looked somewhat pissed. He slowly nodded and Oikawa walked closer to him. Hotaru closed his eyes but opened them wide once he came in contact with his uncle's arms. "Thank you." Oikawa gently hugged him and Hotaru hugged him back.

"If she's what it takes for my brother and son to get along then I have no problem with her coming back." Both boys turned to the door and saw Saki and her husband by the doorframe. "When did you get back?!" Oikawa blushed. "Just now. You chose a nice girl Tooru." Oikawa stared at his family for a while before smiling widely. "Thanks and you don't need to tell me. I know she's great."

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