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3 years...

It's been 3 years since you and Oikawa split. You were doing great by yourself though. You graduate from university and became a chef, you even worked for a 5 star restaurant. In the past 3 years you had been in multiple relationships, but none of them lasted even 1 month. None of them gave you the same feeling oikawa gave you and you lost interest in them easily.

Oikawa was going great too. You knew since he became famous. He was now a professional athlete. Not only that but because of his looks he was a part time model. You hadn't talked or seen each other yet since, even though it had been 3 years. His case was the same as yours. His past girlfriends have not lasted even a month with him.

You were at work and you looked at the clock. "I'm going in break." You yelled and walked through the crowded kitchen to the break room. You found a few of your closes co-workers in there watching TV. "Hey (y/n)!" They cheered. You waved and went to sit with them. "Hey. What're you guys watching?" You looked at the TV and your heart throbbed. "The Japanese volleyball team interview."

Oikawa was sat on a stage with the rest of the team and was talking to some of the biggest TV host in japan. Similar to oikawa the other members also did part time jobs so they weren't only famous for volleyball. They were laughing and talking so you decided to listen. "Now oikawa, a lot of people have been asking. Why is it that you've broken the heart of all your girlfriends in the past? None of them have lasted a month with you. There must be a reason."

There was silence before oikawa took a deep breath. "The reason is because...none of them give me the same feeling my first girlfriend gave me." Your eyes widened and Oikawa continued. "I met her in high school and we were together until I was scouted by the Japanese team. The only people who know who she is are the people from my highschool volleyball team from when I was in my 3rd year."
"Did she break up with you?" The host asked. "Yes but it wasn't because we wanted to, it was because we had to. We realised that we were going in 2 completely different paths and even if we tried to stay together we'd never be able to talk or see each other."

You had a ghost of a smile on at what he was saying and your heart fluttered after hearing him talk about you. As the host was going to ask another question she stopped. Everyone was shocked. Oikawa had covered his face but they could see tears running down his face. "You still love her don't you?" She said and handed him a tissue. Oikawa nodded and smiled. "More than anything."

"That's so sad!" You looked around and saw your co-workers all crying, even the guys! "I though he was just a stupid player but he actually just a normal human being!" The guys shouted. You sweat dropped then one of them turned to you. "Wait a minute! (L/n)-san! You were the manager for Aobajosa right!? That mean you know who his girlfriend was! Who is she!"
"I'm never gunna say. I respect Oikawa's privacy." You walked out of the room and through out the day they kept on asking. Of couse you never said it was you. Everytime they asked you would look down at the gold plated ball chain bracelet that Oikawa gave you that you wore all the time.

Oikawa's POV

I was at a café with one if the other team members. The interview footage was coming out today. I felt really down after thinking about (y/n). I sat there in a hat, scarf and my glasses so no one would recognise me and just stared out the window. It was getting pretty dark outside and across the road he could see a girl with (h/c) hair dressed in what looked like a chef uniform. I kept my focus on her. I'm so upset that I'm starting to hallucinate. He thought since the figure looked like you.

After a few seconds of looking at the figure, I realised. "(Y/n)?" My team mate looked at me and before he could ask anything I rushed out. I ran to the edge of the pavement then the lights turned green and the cars started moving. I could see her walking away and she turned the corner. Come on already!

The cars stopped and I got a few weird looks as I ran across the street. I lost sight of her so I checked every corner to see if she was there. I got to the end of the street and the only way to go was left. I did so and found (y/n) walking across a bridge on top of a river. I sprinted to the bridge and she was just ab I it to step off. "(Y/N)!!"

2nd person POV

You turned around and Oikawa confirmed his suspicion. "It...it really is you." He whispered and you looked at him weirdly. "Do I know you?" Oikawa looked at her confused. "Oh yeah!" He forgot about his disguise and quickly look off his scarf, then hat and finally his glasses. You had to squint your eyes since you were far away but soon realised who it w as that stopped him on the bridge. "T...Tooru."

Oikawa sprinted towards you and pulled him into a hug. "Please don't let this be a dream." He whispered into your neck. As you went to hug him he pulled away and cupped your cheek. His face came closer and you closed your eyes. "WAIT!" He yelled and grabbed your right hand, looked at it for a while then looked at your left. "You don't have a boyfriend right!?"

Oh he was checking for a ring. You giggled and grabbed his shirt collar. "Of course not. You're the only one with a special place in my heart." You pulled him in and gave him a long lasting kiss. He pulled you closer and wrapped his arms around you. "I didn't know just holding you in my arms would be so amazing." He whispered. There was silence.

"Why do you smell like...crab?"
"I'm a chef you idiot! Nice way to ruin the moment!" Oikawa put on his disguise and took hold of your hand. "We have some catching up to do." You smiled and walked back to your house with him.

You made oikawa dinner and the entire time you were eating, the two of you were telling stories about what had happened in the last 3 years. That was until oikawa asked, "(Y/n), are...are we still broken up?" He asked and looked down at his plate. "I'm gunna be in Japan for another year but..." There was silence and you looked down. "I made a mistake last time." Oikawa looked up at you and you continued. "I didn't even try to stay with you and after you left I regretted even thinking to break up. I want to stay with you...only if you want to though." You whispered the last bit and Oikawa got up immediately and pulled you out of your chair. He slammed his lips against yours and gave you a sloppy kiss. "Why the hell would I say no to staying with you?" He whispered into your ear and started kissing down your neck.

"You really want that. I don't want to get in the way."
"Of course I want to and you don't have to worry about getting in the way. When ever I'm abroad I'll make sure to call you everyday. I just got you back. I'm not letting you go again. I made a mistake that day too so don't think of it as your fault. Ok?"

You dug your head into his neck and sniffed. "Ok." He smiled and pulled away.
"You look tired, come on." He said lovingly and took hold of your hand. You followed him upstairs to your room and he tucked you in. "Good night, (y/n)-chan. I'm gunna sleep on the couch so I don't disturb you."
He kissed your forehead and you just grabbed him and pulled him into bed. "Don't be silly." You dug your head into his neck and he smiled and stroked your head. "I want you here so...don't leave me side."

He smiled and bought you closer. "I won't ever leave you."

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