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After the lunch, the four boys parted ways with you and left for practise. They continued to talk about you in the gym and the others took notice. "Who's (l/n)-san?" Yahaba asked and the team look at the third years. "She's Iwa's friends and you know what I like about her?" Maki said and walked over to Oikawa. He smaked Oikawa's back making him tumble and laughed. "She isn't an Oikawa fangirl. She likes making fun of him."

The team gasped and were shocked. Matsukawa pulled out his phone and started showing them the video of them at lunch. Laughter filled the room when their coach shouted at all of them to get back to practise.

A few minutes into practice the door opened. Everyone turned to the door and saw you. You turned to the two coaches and apologised for intruding. "(L/n)-san!" The third years said and smiled. You turned to them and smiled back. "Hey guys."

They walked up to you. Iwa asked, "What are you doing her?" You scratched the back of your head and smiled awkwardly. "Well you know how I'm new to this city and such and not use to it-"
"You got lost in the way home didn't you?" You lowered your head in shame. "Yes. I was wondering if I could stay here until practise is over so that I could walk home with you guys."
"Why not use your phone?" Oikawa asked.
"It's dead and my parents are at work."

You looked up and felt someone glaring at you. You tilted your head slowly and found a boy with light brown hair and swishy bangs (haha swishy). He was examining you and you felt a bit tense under his gaze. "I GOT IT!!" He yelled.

Everyone stared at him as he ran up to you with sparkling eyes. "You're (l/n) (y/n)! (Random school in Tokyo)'s star ace who bought them to the finals every year!" You smiled and rubbed your neck. "I didn't think anyone recognised me."

The third years just stood there dumbfounded. "You play volleyball and you didn't tell us?" Matsukawa asked.
"Yeah. It was gunna be a surprise."
"And you're an amazing ace?" Hanamaki added.
"That's right."

The two third years grinned at each other and you arched an eyebrow. "Ladies and gentlemen!" Maki voice boomed through the gym.
Where'd they get microphones from?
"It's time to see who the better ace is in a 3 on 3 match. Will it be Iwaizumi Hajime or (l/n) (y/n)?"

Everyone just looked at them confused. "The rules are simple. A normal 3 set match. Iwa, you and (l/n) will face off on a 3 on 3 match. You'll have one setter and middle blocker on your team. Iwa, you'll have oikawa and Kindaichi. (L/n), you'll have Yahaba and Matsukawa."

Iwa pinched the bridge if his nose in annoyance. "This is stupid."
"What afraid of losing?" He turned to you to see a smug smirk on your face. "Chicken!"
"I'm not chicken!" You, Matsu and Maki continued to call him chicken as you skipped around him and Oikawa smiled. "Come on Iwa-chan. It'll be fun."
The team cheered and they gave you an extra girls kits to change into. And so the match started.

Time skip cause author-chan can't be asked writing about a match that will go on for 10 chapters.

The first set went to your team and the second went to Iwa. The third set was intense. The rest of the team were on the edge of their seats. It would take so long for someone to score a point. The points were up to 30 due to your teams returning the point each time. After it became 32:33 to your team you decided to pull out your trump card.

Oikawa served and the ball went back and forth between the net. You were at the edge of the court when yahaba set the ball for you to spike. Kindaichi was ready to block but instead of spiking straight like they thought you would to spiked to the right...off of the court. "It's out!" Iwa yelled when suddenly the ball curved in mid air and landed inside the court.

I'm gunna make a second part to this chapter cause this was getting too long.

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