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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been really busy with family and school. I'm really sorry.

You and the other third years, including Yumi, were messing around outside in the snow. The school was closed for a week since the snow was pretty thick and also because a snow storm was due to happen in a few days.

You guys had already had a snowball fight earlier and you had the pleasure of kicking down a snow statue of Oikawa that Maki and Matsu made. Oikawa clung onto your leg and cried to you for ages.

Right now you were at an ice skating rink near Maki's house. Turns out Iwa can't skate and it was comical to watch him try to chase oikawa when he started making fun of him.

Unlike Iwa, you were pretty much a pro. You were showing the others some moves and Oikawa came back after going to the men's room. After seeing your moves he skated towards you and took hold of your hand before twirling you around. "I didn't know you were so good." He said while still holding your hand.
"I bet I'm better though."

A tch mark formed on your head and you pushed him away. "You're on." The other third years decided to judge you and give you scores and just to piss Oikawa off they were giving him 3 or 4 points and you 9 or 10. "Ok this is not fair!" You smirked and went to do another move when. "Oops~" You fell over and looked behind you and saw Oikawa with his foot out. "Oi!" You guys started chasing each other when an announcement was said over the speakers. "Attention everyone. A resent news flash has reported that the snowstorm due to happen in a few days has come early and is later on today. The rink is now closing. We suggest you find shelter in the next hour."

You and the others decided to go buy some snake and such before quickly heading back to Maki's to stay there until the storm past. A few minutes after you got there did the snow start falling getting heavier and heavier.

"Hey guys, how long are we gunna be here?" Oikawa asked while sitting in Maki's bedroom floor. He just shrugged and everyone decided to get comfortable before doing anything. "So what are we gunna do?" Everyone thought for a second before Matsu smirked and said, "how about dare to spin." If you've never played dare to spin you're missing out.

"What's that?" You asked.
"It's simple. All of us write um...6 dares each on strips of paper then put them into a jar. We take turns to pick them and we reward point on how daring of a dare it was. When you write the dare you write how much you think it's worth at the bottom to give us an idea. The winner is the person with the most points. I'm gunna add on to the rules though. Any weak dares will be changed by everyone to be more daring. If you refuse to do the dare then..." Matsukawa thought for a moment to think of a punishment when you yelled, "you have to have a spoon full of the spiciest thing in this house!"

Everyone was silent until Maki said, "the spicest thing in the house is the bottle of nando's peri peri extra hot sauce." Only chose that since I was asked to drink it and to me it's not spicy at all so I did it.

You smile and told Maki to go get it while the rest of you wrote some dares. Once they were all in a jar you guys started playing. You were only a few minutes in and it was already chaos. Oikawa has dared to lick soap. Matsukawa has dares to eat cat food. Yumi chickened out of doing a strip tease for Iwa and ate the hot sauce. Iwa had to lick the Maki's gym sock, *shiver* so gross, he got 7 points for it though.

You got the worst by far though. Ok maybe not as bad as Iwa's but it was pretty bad. You had to drench your shirt in water, put it in the fridge for 20 minutes then wear it for the rest of the game. Considering the fact you were only in a bra for 20 minutes added to the dare. "W-WHO'S IDEA WAS THIS!!!" You scream once you had your shirt back. Of course no one was going to admit that it was them and you were about to say something when a blanket was draped over you and you turned to see Oikawa smiling. You pouted since you figured out it was him since his smile was apologetic. He whispered sorry to you once the game resumed and Maki picked up his dare.

He didn't read it out, instead he skimmed it and got up. He strolled up to you and just sat next to you without saying anything when...


You were confused as to why he was apologising when something wet came in contact with your neck and trailed up. You squeaked and he went back to his seat on the floor and read out the dare. "Lick the neck of a female player. I'm wasn't gunna lick Yumi otherwise Iwa would kill me."

Why couldn't I have gotten that one! Oikawa whined to himself. He looked at you and saw you blush and dig your head into the blanket. I want to be the only one who can make her act like this.

You glared at Yumi knowing very well that it was her who wrote the dare knowing there was no way anyone was going to lick her. About 40 minutes past and all of you decided to just watch a movie since some of these dares were getting too dangerous. I mean stuff to do with knives and blindfolds. You were getting bored of the ones you wrote so you altered them. It would be an understatement to say that Maki's mum was pissed.

You decided to watch a horror movie because you all knew that Oikawa was the biggest wimp when it came to them. Maki, Matsu, Yumi and Iwa all sat on the sofa in Maki's room and you and Oikawa sat on two bean bags.

The movie started and Oikawa was peeing himself while the rest of you just ate popcorn like it was nothing. Suddenly there was a jump scare and the screen went black. Oikawa screamed and soon the screan went back on and illuminated the pitch black room. Everyone started laughing and paused the movie after seeing the position you and Oikawa were in.

Oikawa had jumped onto your lap and you were holding him in a bridal style. He was quivering and dug his face into your neck, away from the screan. "Oh come on, it wasn't that bad." Iwa said and had more popcorn. After a while you managed to get Oikawa off you and you pressed play.

You looked at Oikawa since he started shaking more and more. You looked back at the screan and gently took hold of Oikawa's hand. You could tell he relaxed since his hand loosened. Every time a scary scene came on Oikawa would grip your hand tightly and you would calm him by gently rubbing his hand.

After the movie finished you all got ready to sleep and Oikawa's futon was to your right. Everyone was asleep and you began to dose off when you felt something poke your arm. You turned to see Oikawa sticking his hand out of the blanket. You looked into his eyes and you could tell he was still scared. You took hold of his hand and didn't let go.

Oikawa smiled to himself since he could feel your heart beat go faster then normal. It was relaxing to him and said to himself, so I can make you act like this, my love.

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