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After months of preparation, Oikawa finally had everything ready to propose to you. He had asked Iwa, Maki and Matsu to help out with everything, even his servants were in on it. Today was the day he'd put his plan into action.

"(Y/n)~" Oikawa chimed and skipped down the stairs towards you. "What's up?" You turned to him and he smiled. "Since neither of us have work on Sunday, do you want to go out for dinner?" You smile and nod your head. "Great!" He then called for one of his butlers and maids. Damn rich people. "Would you two please take (y/n) shopping for a new dress." They nodded and you looked at Oikawa. "I already have quite a few dresses, why do I need another?" Oikawa turned to you and pouted. "Please (y/n)." You sweat dropped and go along with it. The maid walked off with you and the two of you were talking so you didn't realise that oikawa was whispering to the butler. "Please make sure to stall her. I need to get the ring. I'll text you when I'm back." The butler nodded and walked off with you.

You finished shopping for your dress and went to leave. However, Oikawa's butler (he needs a name...Hansuke.) However, Hansuke had not gotten the word to go back yet. "Miss (y/n), wouldn't you like to get something to eat first? You haven't eaten since breakfast." You turned to him and thought for a moment. "Hmm, alright."

You were a bit confused as to why he suggested it but you went along. As you were eating Hansuke got the text from oikawa and head back with you. You sat in the back of the car on the way home and you looked at Hansuke. "Hansuke is Tooru up to something?" You asked. He looked at the maid and then at you and played dump. "Not that I know of."
"You're not lying to me are you?" You smirk and he chuckled. "No I'm not." I'm just following orders.

Sunday came and Oikawa waited at the bottom of the stairs as you got ready. He saw you coming down and smiled. "Ready to go my beautiful and beloved girlfriend?" He chimed and held his hand out to you. You raised one eyebrow and took his hand. "Well someone's acting awfully weird today." You smirked.
"You're so mean (y/n)!" He pouted as he led you to the car. He's planning something. You giggled as he drives off.

The two of you got to the restaurant and took your seats which were in the middle of the room. Many people turned to look after you and Oikawa walked in. Once you sat down you tried hiding your face behind the menu since you weren't use to the attention. Oikawa smiled and took your hand in his. "Don't worry. I'm here." You peek over your menu before putting it down.

The waiter came to the table and took your orders. After about 8 minutes, Oikawa's food was delivered but not yours. It had been 5 minutes since and still nothing. You told oikawa to eat but he refused to until your food came. You were being really calm about it but oikawa was becoming really impatient and annoyed.

"Where are they?" He mumbled while tapping his foot. He had asked multiple waiters and waitresses where your food was and when they went to check they always came back with the same response, it'll be out soon. It had been another 5 minutes and Oikawa reached his limit. "That's it. I'm gunna see what's taking them." He got up and you grabbed his hand. "Tooru don't-"
"No. They're keeping my love waiting. I'm gunna see what's happening." He marched off and you sighed.

After about 2 minutes oikawa came back to the table with a sliver platter and lid in one hand. "They finally finished." He said clearly irritated. "Why are you serving me?"
"Because I said I don't want to see any of their faces at this table again unless I call for them." You sigh. At lease he didn't cause a huge scene.
"By the way, what did you order?" He asked and you just sweat dropped. "A (favourite fancy dish)."

He froze and put the platter on the table and sighed. "Damn it! I took the wrong dish."
"What? Then what did you take?" He then took off the lid. "They gave me a diamond ring with a side of 'yes', hold the 'no'."

You just stared at the platter decorated with rose petals with a ring in a velvet box in the middle. "...what?" You asked and turned to oikawa. He smiled and took the box before getting on one knee. "Oh my god." You covered your mouth and everyone in the restaurant saw and pulled out their phones. You then saw Maki, Matsu and Iwa come out from hiding with cameras and started recording.

Oikawa took a deep breath. "(Y/n), the day I found you again you asked me not to leave your side and by doing this I won't have to worry about it. So (l/n) (y/n), I ask you..." He stopped and started to cry. "Will you marry me." You opened your mouth to speak but the words were stuck so you just nodded. Oikawa's face brightened and he slipped the ring on to your finger. Cheers filled the room and Oikawa picked you up and kissed you. You hid your face in his shoulder and cried as he rubbed your back.

Word spread almost immediately and Oikawa was being asked question after question about you and him. You couldn't even go to work without being harassed so oikawa refused to let you until everything died down, your manager was fine with it though.

The day came sooner than expected and Oikawa was a nervous puddle. "Calm down." Iwa said and sat down next to him. After some pep talk from him, Maki and Matsu (who mostly said not to pee himself and that if he did he'd have to buy him ramen) oikawa was finally ready.

He stood at the altar patiently and waited when the music started. You only just entered and Oikawa then realised why it was that Iwa cried during his wedding. He stood there staring as tears ran down his face without realising. Iwa chuckled quietly and gave him his handkerchief. "And you made fun if me for crying." He teased just to make him feel less tense. You stood in front of him and he waited to say "I do" before being given permission to kiss you.

Maki and Matsu of course got rid of the lovey dovey atmosphere and bought out the cider. Of course you were already tired and so oikawa took you home fairly early. He lead you in and help you out of your dress. "I can tell you're tired so let's leave the fun for tomorrow." You smirk.
"I was just acting so we could get home early." He looked at you surprised and laughed. "Alright then." He smirked and winked at you.

After you two had your fun and went to sleep, Oikawa pulled you towards him and kissed you sweetly. "Someone's feeling huggy today." You giggled and he hugged you tighter. "Can you blame me!" He whined. "You're finally mine so I don't what to let go."
"I'm not an item Tooru."
He laughed and pulled away so he could see you. "I know you're not." He stroked your cheek and smiled. "You're my beautiful and cherished wife."

There was silence. "That's so cliché and cheesy." You giggled and he started whined. "Stop whining!" You yell and cup his cheeks. "I love it when you act like that. You're my cheesy husband after all." You whispered and kissed his nose. He grinned and fell asleep. You watched and played with his soft hair before dozing off. "I love you." He muttered in his sleep and you smiled tiredly. "I love you too."

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