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I can't believe this! Oikawa grumbled to himself. I hope no one sees me.

~Flash back~

Oikawa got up and gave a loud yawn as he woke up. He was out with his family on Friday night and some how got to his room before collapsing on the bed.

He stretched his sore limps and looked at the clock. He had to blink a few times to make out what the clock read and pretty much fell out of bed. It was already 3pm. JUST HOW LONG WAS HE ASLEEP! He quickly ran downstairs to eat as fast as he could and his mum just stared at him. "Tooru~ why are you in such a rush?"

Oikawa continued to stuff his face and replied, "I ordered something and I'm meant to pick it up at 3:30!"
"What did you order?"
"I'll show you once I get back!" He yelled and ran upstairs again. He changed and ran to the bathroom to comb his hair and put his contacts in. As he was putting in his left contact in it fell off his finger and fell down the sink. "NO!!"
"Everything ok up there?"
"Just wear your glasses."

~back to the present~

I can't believe this! Oikawa grumbled to himself. I hope no one sees me.

Oikawa kept his head low and covered his cold nose in his soft scarf. It started snowing slightly as he walked to the shop and once he got his order he left with the bag in his hand. He sighed in relief. "Oh thank god no one saw-"

Oikawa's ears perked up at the familiar sound which he loved so much. "(Y/n)!" He gleamed and turned to look at you only to freeze after seeing how cute you looked. You blinked a few times before asking, "When did you get glasses?" Oikawa went pale and started panicking. He turned away and whined, "Don't look me!"

You sweat drop and just look at him confused. "Um...why can't I look?"
"Because I look hideous in glasses!" He cried.
"I think you look really nice with them." Oikawa slowly turned to look you with teary eyes. "Really?" You nodded and he hugged you. "Yay! I don't have to worry knowing a cute girl like you (y/n) thinks I look fine."
Yeah, very fine//slapped

You blushed at Oikawa's comment and pushed him away. "So (y/n), what are you doing out?" He asked. You explained that you were going to the mall to buy Yumi something for Christmas since you had gotten her for the secret santa you and the team were doing. He offered to help and the two of you finished quite fast. By the way, you'll find out about his order in the next chapter.

Since there was nothing else for you to do you both went to Costa and ordered some hot chocolate before walking back. On the way you were walking by a park just talking when *smack*.

Your jaw dropped and you stared at Oikawa. There were some little boys playing football in the park and the ball just hit oikawa right in the face. Oikawa of course had his hands over his face and slowly removed them once the pain faded. Before you could say anything, the group of boys ran up to you and bowed while apologising.

You looked at Oikawa and he looked quite pissed since his glasses smashed and some of the glass cut him. The pissed off look faded and he smiled at the boys then patted them on the head saying everything was ok.

You then got a weird feeling in your gut. You tried not paying attention to it and took out a handkerchief. The kids ran off and Oikawa got up and was treated by something cold being pressed on to his face. He looked to see that you had filled the handkerchief with snow to help with his injury.

You then saw his spilt hot chocolate strain his scarf and you took it off. "Here, you can have mine." You smile and wrap the soft fabric around him. He sent you his charming smile and kissed the tip of your nose.

This action sent a jolt of God knows what through your body and your legs turned to jelly. You then realised what he was doing and pinched his nose. "Stop flirting with me."

Time skip cause author-chan is a lazy hoe

It was pretty late and you were got ready to go to bed. You brushed your teeth, changed your clothes and did all the necessary things before climbing into bed. However,  you found your self unable to sleep. You were twisting and turning and before you knew it it was already 3am. You gave a heavy sigh before getting out of bed and headed towards your kitchen.

You poured yourself a glass of water and just sat at the table. You found yourself just staring into it though. "Why are you up so late?" You turned to look at the door and saw your mum there yawning. "Oh I'm sorry, did I wake you."
"No." Your mum stretched and took a seat opposite you. "A mother can tell when somethings wrong."

You looked at her for a second then looked back down at the water. "Did something happen when you went out?" You just shook your head. "What did you do when you were out?" She then asked.
"I was just going to the mall and I bumped into oikawa. He was with me the entire time just helping me out. That's it really. Oh! He treated me to hot chocolate too."

Your mum smiled and you raised an eyebrow at her. "What?" She shook her head and giggled. "(Y/n), has it ever occurred to you that you might, just might, have a small crush on him." There was silence for a while and you just blinked a few times. "That's ridiculous." You giggled and walked back to your room.

You layed down in your bed and stared up at the ceiling. Why would she even suggest that? Great now she's put the idea in my head! You tossed and turned and you felt your chest tighten at the idea of you and Oikawa being more then friends. What a stupid idea. It'll be out of my head by tomorrow.

Oikawa X Reader ~ Making My Way To Her Heart Where stories live. Discover now