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Everyone was in the gym warming up just like any other day when the doors flew open. "GUYS!" Oikawa yelled and everyone stared at him. "Yes...Oikawa?" Everyone looked confused to see their captain so happy. "There's a festival going on tomorrow and I want all of you to come!" "We're in!" Maki and Matsu chimed. The others started discussing whether to go or not. In the end they all agreed. "How about you (y/n)-chan?" Oikawa asked. You thought for a moment before agreeing to go.

Time skip ~ the festival

The team decided to meet up at a park and walk to here the festival was being held. You guys split up and decided to meet up at a hill for the fireworks display. You were of course with the other third years. "Hey look, a shooting game!" Oikawa smiled and run up to the stall. "I love these." You and the others joined him. They all decided to take a turn and see who got the best score.

"(Y/n), have a go." Matsukawa said and gave you the gun. "I don't know. I've never tried one of these."
"It's easy." Iwa said and gave you his gun. Oikawa could feel his heart ache when he saw Iwa stand behind you and guide you while being fairly close. It started to hurt more when you managed to get the highest points in the group and you hugged Iwa tightly.

Oikawa wanted to get out of this situation and looked around. "Hey guys, you want to get something to eat?" He said and you all nodded before heading toward a food stall. Maki and Matsu ordered Taiyaki, Oikawa order Ikayaki, You ordered Yakitori and Iwa ordered Takoyaki.

Taiyaki : Fish shape pastry, bean paste filling.
Ikayaki : Grilled squid.
Yakitori : Various grilled chicken.
Takoyaki : Pancake balls, octopus centre.
P.S~ Sorry if your vegetarian

You all sat down together and ate. "Hey (y/n), you want some?" Oikawa asked. "I'm...not a huge fan of Ikayaki."
"Do you like Takoyaki?" Iwa asked. You and Oikawa both looked at him and you nodded. "Here." He held one of the balls to your mouth and he fed you the piece. Oikawa's eyebrow twitched in anger.

You then heard a nearby clock chime and you check to see what time it was. "We should get going. It's almost time for the fireworks display." They all got up and Iwa turned the other way. "I'm gunna go to toilet quickly." He said.
"Me too." Oikawa informed and followed Iwa.

"Today's been fun. Huh Oikawa?"
"I'm glad (y/n)-san decided to tag along." Oikawa's eyebrow twitched and Iwa continued to speak. "She's fun to be around. I'm glad she became out manager." Oikawa as on the verge of snapping. "I really-" Iwaizumi was interupted when Oikawa punched him in the face, causing him to fall backwards. There was no one around either.

"OW! What was that for!?" Iwa yelled and just looked up at Oikawa. Oikawa was shocked himself. He didn't think he was gunna punch him. "I-I don't know." Iwa just looked at his friend's face and saw him tearing up. "Wait an minute. Oikawa...are you jelous?" Oikawa stiffened and started shaking.
"Why would I be jelous?"

Iwa got up off the floor and held his cheek where he was punched. "You're jelous of me and (y/n) being close."
"Maybe but why?" Iwa just pinched the bridge of his nose and tched. "Oikawa stop lying to yourself."
"What do you mean?"
"...you like (y/n), don't you." Oikawa swollowed the lump in his throat. "Yeah. I do like (y/n)-chan."
"So why did you punch me?" Iwa asked calmly. Oikawa sighed and looked down. "Because I love her and seeing you so close to her makes me feel..."

Oikawa sat on the floor and Iwa joined him. "Look Oikawa, you can't always get what you want. There's a possibility of you and (y/n) ending up together. But you shouldn't show your anger if it doesn't happen."
"I know...I'm sorry." Iwa gave him a quick smack on the back and got up. "And besides, you know I like someone else." Iwa grinned.

Don't worry! Next chapter's going to be on Iwa and his crush

"Come on. The others are probably waiting." Iwa said and walked off with Oikawa. "Thanks for the advice." Oikawa smiled and Iwa turned to him. "What are friends for?" Oikawa just started tearing up again and tried to hug him. "IWA-CHAN!!"

They got to the hill and there were quite a lot of people. "Man, I wanted a good seat." Kindaichi said and the others agreed. You looked around and saw a fairly big tree with thick branches. "Why don't we sit on that tree. We'll be higher up." You suggested. You all rushed to the tree and started climbing it. You were one of the last on and you were going to sit on the same branch as Iwa and Watari. "Hey (y/n)," Iwa said as you got to their branch. "There's more room next to Oikawa and you'll be higher up." You looked at Oikawa and he already had his hand extended to you. You grabbed it and he pulled you up.

The fireworks went off and you and the team watched. Half way through Oikawa grabbed Iwa's attention and mouthed a thank you to him of which he returned with a smile. Another few went off and you smiled. "They're so beautiful." You gleamed and Oikawa looked at you and blushed at how the light made you look stunning. "Yeah. They are beautiful."

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