1: Go to mcdonalds dressed as an emo and order a happy meal with extra happy.
2: Wear a snorkel while driving and stare at the people sitting next to you at traffic lights.
3: Run up to an dude with a long white beard and scream "Dumbledore! You're alive!" Hug him.
4: Go to the mall and scream "THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!" and have a melt down.
5: Go to wal-mart, hide in the clothes and say "pick me, pick me" when people walk by.
6: Hide in a public place, yell into a microphone THIS IS A NO PANTS ZONE! PLEASE, TAKE OFF YOUR PANTS!
7: Dress up like an old lady and break dance in Walmart.
8: Go to a football game and hold up a sign that says "The guy behind me can't see."
9: When in an elevator with only one other person,stare at them and breathe heavily.
10: Scream "WHY PIKACHU? WHY?" in public and than break down, crying in front of a random stranger.
11: Follow strangers around the department store and laugh hysterically every time they touch anything.
12: Go up to a random person while holding a toy gun and shout "Give me your onions!"
13: Go trick or treating on christmas.
14: Go to McDonald's in formal clothing with a date and ask if your reservation is still good.
15: Throw m&m's at bald guys' heads. when they turn around pretend to be a fish.
16: In a crowded elevator, hold your head and scream "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!"
17: Glue quarters to the floor in the classroom and watch to see how many people try to pick them up.
18: Go buy a puzzle then return to the store after a few minutes complaining that it didn't work.
19: Wear blue lipstick and tell every one who asks why, that you ate a smurf.
20: Try pants on backwards at the Gap. Ask the salesperson if they make your butt look big.
21: When in a crowded place, roll on the ground and scream "I'M SORRY I DIDN'T EAT MY BROCCOLI!"
22: Walk into a restraunt and start to brush someones hair (preferably a bald guy).
23: Put a walkie talkie in your mailbox and when the mailman comes, scream.
24: Go to the supermarket and ask with a banana in your hand "Why are your carrots yellow?"
25: Dress up as a cat, hide in a tree, meow at anyone that passes by and watch their reaction.
26: Go to a meeting, sit for a while, then suddenly scream "One of us is an imposter!" Then run away.
27: After the pizza guy repeats your order, say "Once more, this time with a little more OOMPH."
28: Go to a busy public area and act calm, then randomly bark at the nearest person.
29: Hire two private investigators. Get them to follow each other.
30: Call a donut place and say, "Yes, uh, i have a complaint. My donut has a hole in it."
31: Take one grape to the check out. Say nothing. See how the cashier reacts.
32: Get any chair with wheels on it and roll down the road poking people with a stick
33: Call a random number and say, "Hello, you've just won our 'Give a home to a potato' contest."
34: Walk up to some random person hand them a pickle and say im sorry for your mothers death.
35: Go up to a random stranger and whisper in their ear, I take showers naked. then walk away.
36: Buy a fish from a pet store bring it back and tell them it drowned.
37: Blow up a balloon, then ask someone to pop it, when they do, start screaming.
38: Go to a target parking lot and shoot arrows into the target logo on the store.
39: Attach fake eyelashes to the inside of your nose and see how many people stare or comment.
40: Go in a store, when you hear something on the loudspeaker drop to your knees and shout "GOD HAS SPOKEN."
41: Go into a grocery store and scream at cheese.
42: Get 3 people dress up like pac-man, and run around the mall.
43: Go to the city and throw skittles at people saying "taste the rainbow!"
44: Walk around with a briefcase. occsionally peek in and say "got enough air in there?"
45: Go to a Chinese restaruant and ask for Mexican food.
I look forward to your comments! :D