Chapter 1

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Remember that love comes in all forms

Hello, I would like if you guys pointed out any spelling mistakes! I won't get mad and I'll be sure to fix them as soon as I see your message! I just want this to be a great and comfortable reading experience!

Thanks you.


[F/s]=favorite style
[F/t]=favorite type
[F/c]=favorite color
He will be called Senpai in this story~


It was quiet day at school again. Normally is. It's also really gloomy every day as well. You didn't really have anyone to hang out with, but there was always company.

Unwanted attention from boys was your daily peeve. And lately, you have been receiving letters in your locker. And all over the news, there were reports of boys from your high school going missing.

Your parents worried you will be the person's next victim if you continued school there. Ignoring their advice, you continue to go everyday.

And each day you go, doesn't it feel even more depressing?


Heading over to your locker, the bent tip of an envelope stuck out. You were curious, but annoyed, because it could just be another letter you would receive once in awhile anyways.

But no, it was different. The sent of blood filled the air when you undid the envelope, to see a pink paper in it. You slowly got it out, one corner of it looked like it was drenched in old blood.

You felt a cold chill go down your spine, you gulp. Unfolding the pink paper, the handwriting was very neat. Almost as if it was printed out by a computer. Your eyes dashed down the paper, and this is what it read.

Note: Hello [y/n] [l/n]. I am, Senpai. I wanted to confront you of my strong feelings towards you. I love you [y/n]! I been wanting to tell you this for so long! Come up to the roof during lunch to meet up with me!

P.S. if you don't show up, you'll regret it.


You felt faint, your knees shook, and your mind was going to explode. You thought about what he meant when he said you'd regret it.

The bell rang for your home period. You snapped back to reality. Walking into the classroom, you casted causal glances at your classmates, keeping a close eye to their reaction.

Nothing. No one even glanced back. You sat down frustrated. Suddenly an announcement went off, booming though the school speakers, causing you to flinch.

"Is [student's full name] here? Code blue, he's gone missing! Is [student's full name] here!?"

Now your day was getting freaky. First the letter and now a student went missing, again. But it made your skin crawl when you recognized that name on the speaker. He was one of the boys that you met yesterday at lunch.


This wasn't no joke anymore. You almost had a heart attack. You could call the police, but they must be skilled enough to get away. Plus, you don't know who they are yet.

Your best shot was to meet him first, but, what if its a trap. Your mind slowly filled up with so many thoughts, and everything around you went blank.

You awoke from your deep thought after you had heard the lunch bell go off. You shot out of your seat and zoomed down the hallway. Many people caught a glimpse of you and laughed.

Ignoring everything, you knew you had a serial killer on hands. You took your final steps up the stairs, and swung open the roof doors. And there he was.

"Oh, I was worried you wouldn't show, [y/n]."


I hope this got you hooked, bid with me. Hope you enjoyed! ♥

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