Chapter 2

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Don't say it's blackmail, it's love


There he stood, Senpai. He was leaning gracefully on the railing that surrounded the roof. You look up at his face, it was glorious! He had amazing facial features.

He had your favorite hair color, that swayed beautifully in the wind. And beautiful, heart piercing eyes. He licked his lips, walking over to you.

"It's you. Wow, you came. Your not afraid are you?", he whispers in your ear, almost licking it. You froze. You weren't able to reply, and the only thing you could prounouce was broken silables.

"Your even cuter when your not so far away from me!", he nips the tip of your ear. A small noise slips from your lips.

He let's out a satisfied groan, and pulls back.
"I-i know your the one who has been killing everyone! Or at least, that's what I think..", you managed to finally say.

He steps back, His eyes widened a bit. Suddenly a devilish smirk appears upon his face, his eyes grow dull. The sight of him made you stumble backwards.

"Oh, I knew you were smart [y/n], but I didn't think you would catch on so quickly.", he remarks smuggly. Your body shakes in fear, when he suddenly wraps his arms around your waist, and plants a warm, passionate kiss on your lips.

You tremble, and squirm. His lips are so soft. His breath is hot. He's so beautiful. You started to give in to him. He soon parted his lips, then glances into your eyes.

"S-Senpai..", you mumble looking away slowly. He nuzzles his face into your neck, and pushes you against the roof's railing. You felt like you were going to fall off the side.

Is he trying to kill me!?


He chuckles at your reactions, running his hand down your body. Then he licks your ear, whispering, "Stay mine."

The thought made you shake, he noticed this and pulled away. His face was stained with seriousness.
"Yes, [y/n]?", he asks.

What else should you say. He can kill you right here and now if you respond incorrectly. It took you awhile to gather enough courage to speak again.

"Y-yes Senpai! I will be with you forever!", you forced a smile. His eyes lit up like a child's, and he hugged you tightly, moving you away from the railing.

"I been waiting for this.. Thank you so much [y/n].", he says. A cold thought goes through your mind. So he would have killed me if I said the wrong thing.

He then looks down at your lips, down your body, then back up to your face.
"You look tasty..", he whispers. You twitch. I don't like were this is going.. I have to distract him!


You hold his cheeks and kiss him deeply. You slowly rise up to your tippy toes, blushing hard. He twitches from surprise, but roughly kisses you back, wrapping his tongue around yours.

Your body burns up as he rubs his hand down your back. You slowly part lips with him, and the bell rings.

He pouts with displeasure, but you sigh with relief. He kisses your forehead goodbye, and disappears. You blush, rubbing your forehead.

He so cute. Man I wish I had longer with him.. You snap back to reality.
"W-what am I thinking! I can't love a yandere!", you cry to yourself.

But the touch of his lips memorized you.


Hope you enjoyed!

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