Chapter 8

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roses are red, violets are blue, I don't care about poems much, but touch her and I'll kill you


Meanwhile with Senpai, he was at school cleaning, blood. He was laughing manically, hurrying before cops arrived. He had blood all over his beautiful pale/tanned/dark skin.

With his eyes dull, he quickly disposed of the bodies and cleaned his knife. He then dashed out from the school and hid his knife back into his deep pockets.

When he was running, he slowly had time to calm down. He was twitching and holding his head. He then licked his lips and said in a deep voice, "Mm, that felt good.".

He had wondered by your house, and looked up at your window.
"I hope your OK.", he said walking away.


The next day you were frozen in bed. You were in extreme pain, your stomach felt like you swallowed a bag of needles.
You mom was very worried, repeatedly asking if you ate something bad.

H-how! How did this happen! You suddenly remembered May. The cookies, the phone call. Your eyes teared up. You didn't tell your mom anything.

You held your stomach firmly, and cried as your mom called a doctor.

At school Senpai was putting his stuff away. When walking up the stairs he saw May sitting on one crying.
"May, are you OK?!", he said sitting next to her.

She sniffed, and hid her grin.
"I'm so alone. Everyone hates me!", she cried. Senpai put his arm around her.
"Not true, I like you!", he smiled kindly.

Then everything was quiet. Senpai's eyes widened. The pressure on his lips were, May's lips. She kissed deeper, and people passing by took pictures, and posting them on websites.

Senpai slowly pulled back, blushes hard. His eyes locked on her lips.
She was blushing, with tiny tears in her eyes. They both slowly got up, and the bell rang. She waved good bye, and ran off.

"What was that..", he mumbled.


-Back Home-

The pain grew off a bit, enough to move at least. You heard your phone going off like crazy. You slowly reached over and got it.

You had at least a million messages from random people you didn't know. It was all over social media. When you opened it, all you saw were pictures of May and Senpai kissing.

Your phone slipped from your hand. Your eyes dripping with tears. You were done. But what you did was crazy. You ran out of bed, then outside.

You were still in your pajamas, and had no shoes. The pain in your stomach overwhelmed you, but you still ran, and ran, all the way to school.

Your feet were getting blisters from the road, and you finally got to school. Running in through the entrance, Senpai saw you from out the window. He dropped his pencil, and asked to leave class.


You ran down the hall, Senpai yelled your name out. You ignored him, tears falling like crazy. You bashed into the class, and walked straight to May.

"[Y-y/n]!", she cried in amazement. Senpai ran to the door way just in time to see you punch her flat in the face. The teacher yelled, and went over to stop you, but you held her firmly.

Senpai was shocked. He stood there frozen. You screamed and kicked her as she got knocked out from the impact of the floor.

"You are getting expelled!", yelled the teacher. Senpai went quiet, his eyes growing dull.

"No.. No she isn't."


Hope this is getting good, please enjoy!

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