Chapter 3

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i'm sorry if I scare you, I just love you


Turning yourself around, you quickly hurried to your last 3 periods of the day. When you entered the class, you froze.

Senpai sat two seats away from you, you quivered. You never really saw him in this class before and it made you wonder if he has always been here. Slowly, you dragged your feet across the floor, and sat down into your seat. The teacher pushed his glasses up his long, thin nose and snorted in displeasure.

"Today we are having a group assignment. I will select your partners so we can begin without delay.", said the teacher. Your face went dark. What if I have to work with Senpai!

Your name was called, and you feared the worst.
"[Y/n will work with [male student A] and [male student B].", said the teacher.

You slowly relaxed, and got up to move over to their small desk group. They smirked at you, and kindly gave you all the utensils you were going to need.


Senpai kept a close eye on you, his eyes glaring through the room. One of his partners, a girl, snapped him back and they started to work. While you were drawing something out for the project, you felt a cold hand rub your upper thigh.

"Stop doing that! Its uncomfortable.", you groaned.
"You look so tense, I though I could help.", said boy A.
"Well I don't need it.", you pouted, continuing to draw.

The boys looked at each other and smirked.
"Teacher, can we go clean our hands out at the fountain?', they asked. The teacher nodded and the boys once again looked at you.

"Come on [y/n], we gotta wash our hands.", they pulled you out. You were speechless, and looked at them. You felt even more scared with them than you did with Senpai.

"W-why do we need to wash our hands?", you asked slowly. No reply, the hallways echoed with the sound of their shoes tapping against the wooden floor.

However, instead of going to the water fountain, you found yourself in a dark, abandoned room. Lines of old, dusty desks were piled up everywhere. You knew now, that you really were in trouble.

"So [y/n], this is like, your first time isn't it?", said boy B. Your body shook, and you pushed them away, heading for the door. Boy A grabbed your shoulder, pushing you over a desk.

When you tried to scream, boy B covered your mouth with his lips. Your eyes filled with tears, and you got tired. One of them slipped their hand up your skirt, and rubbed the outside of your undies.

Your eyes widens, and you tried to kick them away, but he had your legs held down. They both snickered, and rubbed your [f/t] undies. Senpai! Senpai! I need your help, please!


You pleaded in your mind, as the tears rolled slowly down your cheeks. It's too late, Senpai.. One of them started to unbutton their pants, the other was lifting your shirt, messing with your bra.

~ In Class ~

Senpai finally noticed you were gone, and so were those boys.
"Oh hell no.", he mumbled under his breath. He got up and ran out of the class. In the process, he reached for something in his back pocket.

Out came a large knife, and his eyes gave out a bright sparkle before dulling out. He had a huge grin on his face as he held it. He heard your cries from the distance, and slowed down.

"Wait, are they touching her!?", he thought to himself. He walked in great fury, and put his hand on the knob.

Boy A had dropped his pants, and the other undid your bra, exposing one of your breasts. But suddenly, the old, creaky door swung open.



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