Chapter 8: Book 2

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After your shower, your slowly headed to your room. You opened your door as you dried off your soaked hair. Looking into your room, you could see a body sized lump under your blanket.

"W-what the hell..?", you mumble, grabbing your flip flop.

"D-dont make me use my Chancla-Chucks on you..!", you stutter, nervously getting closer to the lump.

Chancla: Flip flop in spanish

Chancla-Chucks: Something your stupid author made up, its pretty much the same thing as nunchucks.

You quickly quickly grab the blanket, ripping it off of the bed, slapping whatever was under it repeatedly with your flip flop.

"Be gone..!", you cry, slowly peaking at the thing you were hitting. Senpai sits there with a startled expression, extremely confused.

Your face goes a dark red. He glares at you harshly.
"Really? A flip flop?", he says sarcastically. You couldn't hold back your laughter, and you suddenly let out a horrifying chuckle.

"M-my ears..! Please stop!",he says groaning, shoving his face in your pillow. You slowly lay down on the bed beside him smiling. He peeks at you, and blushes.

"Let's get to bed then Senpai, first day of school is tomorrow.", you say as you put your face against his chest. He slowly rubs the back of your head.

"Nervous?", he mumbles. You slowly shake your head.
"I can never be nervous when your around..", you said blushing.

"That was totally a lie, but it was nice to say anyways."

Senpai flashes you a smile, then kisses you softly. You slowly close your eyes, and kiss him back.

"Now, let's rest.."


It was early in the morning, and you and Senpai made your way down the stairs. You were both ready for school, but came to a sudden surprise.

Yukino was standing by the door wearing your school's uniform confidently.
"Y-you go to this school Yukino?", you said in shock. Yukino smirks, making his way next to your vacant side.

"Well duh, hasn't Senpai told you?", he says cheerfully. A cold sweat runs down your face as you look to Yukino.

"Yay! Let's go before we are late!", he says happily, pulling you and Senpai out of the house.


You both waved to Yukino as he made his way to his classroom, and luckily, you and Senpai had the same home room.

The schools halls were busy once more, and some of Senpai's old friends came to greet him. You were just about to greet them back until you saw a fimilar pink set of hair that belonged to a certain someone.

Your heart stopped. Your skin went pale, your blood went cold.

"M-may..", you stuttered, catching the eye of Senpai. Senpai slowly looks in your direction, finding the source of your ghost-like appearance.

"That's May all right..", he mumbles to you, a cold sweat running down his face. May suddenly turns around, locking eye contact with you.

"I heard she went crazy over the break.", says one of Senpai's friends.
"Yeah, like she totally lost her head one day at the park, and almost killed this kid!", said another friend.

"K-killed?", you stutter, your heart pounding. Senpai ruffles your hair, trying to snap you back to reality.


"And it's finally my time to return the favor [y/n]-chan~"

A maniacal laughter fills the room.


You suddenly fall to one knee, holding your head.

"What was that..?"

Senpai quickly grabs you, steadily putting you back to your feet.
"Are you not feeling well? Should I take you home?", Senpai says worriedly.

You look back in May's direction only to see she was no where in sight.

"Something really messed up must had happened to her, she used to be so popular and cute. She doesn't even model anymore.", says Senpai's friend again.

"I-is that so?", you said, rubbing your brow.


The bell rings to go to class, and you look up to Senpai. You noticed that he is particularly interested on the street corner.

"You okay Senpai?", you asked awkwardly. He slowly looks to you.

"See that cliché black car?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Those guys are back at it again with the stalking."

You look over at the car, to see nicely dressed men in sunglasses looking at Senpai suspiciously.
"You really need to be careful from now on.. They are onto you.", you said, hugging his arm loosely.

He smiles, letting out a laugh.

"Onto me? Hah! They haven't even touched me yet."


Thanks for reading! Wait, was that May-chan? And what were Senpai's friends talking about? Find out next time on "It Started With A Letter"!!

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