Chapter 2: Book 2

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There was a long pause of silence, you fumbled with your hands awaiting your anwser. Senpai only ran his fingers through his hair, letting out an awkward sigh.

"Listen, I know that may have looked bad. But I don't know why I didn't. Don't get the wrong idea, I would kill for you!", he says, his eyes noticeably dulling as he reached for his back pocket. A cold sweat runs down your face as you quickly grab his wrist.

"T-theres no need for that here! Its fine.. I don't care anymore!", you said, forcing a chuckle. His eyes slowly regain color, and he smiles.
"Oh? Okay, I'm glad your better!", he laughs, kissing your hand.

There were times you were extremely frightened when you were with Senpai. He would just suddenly click, and go bezerk. It was known only by you, but he had always carried knife in his back pocket. And that wasn't a comforting thing.


Leaving the store, Senpai had insisted to carry everything. You walked closely by his side, starring down at your shadow. It was quiet in this neighborhood, and occasionally you would see a car.

"Ah, its cold today. I shouldn't have worn a skirt.", your sigh. Senpai looks down at you.
"I guess your right. But you look so good in skirts.", he says licking his lips. Your face goes red, and you cover your mouth as you look away.

Senpai got pleasure from embarrassing you. But since it wasn't a harmful pleasure, you usual didn't mind. You just like to think that your lucky this holds him off.


Almost as if it was on que, a small autumn breeze blows your skirt up. You ended up flashing your panties to a passing car, who gave you two honks. You immediately push your skirt down.

"Y-you pervert!", you scream at the car. The funny part about this was Senpai was the one who was more pissed off. Senpai drops the bags on the floor, and takes off his jacket. He then hands you the jacket.

"Here, wrap that around your waist so your skirt won't fly up.", he groans. You nod slowly, and take the jacket. You look look down ashamed, and tie it around your waist. Senpai looks at you and sighs.

He grabs your cheeks, lifting your face up to his. He kneels down and kisses you deeply. You blush, almost losing the strength in your knees. The autumn leaves spun around you both, before making their ways down the cracked cement.

And in that moment, you couldn't hear a single thing.


At home, you made your way to the kitchen for dinner. Your parents stared at you silently. The air was thick with gloom, as you awkwardly got a plate.

"[Y/n], we have to talk to you about something.", you mother says, her monotone voice sending a chill down your spine. You put the plate down on the counter, and make your way over to the table.

"We were okay with you going to this school in the beginning, because your really wanted too. But-", your father pauses, rubbing his brow. Your mother continues his statement.
"But that day, the one you were sick— your whole class was murdered. If you weren't sick, we would have lost you..!", she says starting to cry.

There was nothing you could say to change their view on that genocide. You couldn't just say:

"Oh! No worries. It was just my boyfriend who murdered everyone! Hahahaha."

That would completely destroy your life. You only sat down in a chair and nodded.
"I understand, but I still want to go there. It's my last year of highschool, please!", you beg, lowering your head.

"We don't want to lose you [y/n]! Please, if you love us-", your mother says, dabbing her eyes with a tissue.

"I do love you, both of you! But I really can't go to different school..", you say, folding your hands. Your parents look at each other and shake their heads slowly.

"[Y/n], you are under our roof! You will do what we say as long as you live here!", your father yells. He has always been the strict one, but this was ridiculous. And with a mixture of anger and sadness, you shout something insane.

"Fine! Then I'm moving out! Then you can't tell me which school I can and can not go to!", you said storming up to your room. You parents sat there in complete shock.


You get out your traveling suitcase, and shove random things in it. You start to tear up as you zip it up. You make you way back down to your parents.

"I'll come back for my stuff later! I love you both... Bye.", you said as you leave the house before they could respond. You pull out your phone, and go into your contacts. You then call someone, and stand outside in the grass looking up at the cloudy sky.

"Y-yes, this is [y/n].. Um, I need to ask you something... Senpai.."


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