Chapter 1: Book 2

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Book 2: A continuation of book 1. This book will contain mature content. Please enjoy.


It's been awhile since that night, maybe even months. It seems that time had left your side a long time ago. That night was the night you had became intimate with a person. It was almost like signing a contract. One you couldn't escape from. But that was okay to you, right?

Then, let's start where we left off.


Autumn had arrived welcomly, erasing the memory of the summer heat. However, to kids like you, it was a cry of agony. Summer break was coming to an end, and schools had already started to prepair for the load of students that would soon populate their hallways.

However, it seems there has been an important memory that hasn't been explained. What had happened to your class the day you fought with May. You remember watching the news the night after the genocide.


"Tonight we have an important anouncemt to make. There has been a massive homicide at [schools name]. The killer still remains anonymous, but hired detectives have opened the case. Out of the class of students, there was only one surviver who still refuses to talk. Their name is-"

Flashback End

A hand grabbed yours, pulling you back to reality. It had suprised you, enough to make you let out a small cry. You slowly looked up the hand that held yours, to see it was just Senpai.

"Be careful [y/n], I see some shady guys staring at you", Senpai mumbles into your ear. You flush a soft red and nod.
"Okay, but your the only shady person here.", you replied sharply. He smiles, holding your hand tighter.

Its been like this ever since that night. He has became extremely clingy, not that it bothered you all that much. It just seems to get in the way sometimes. You just like to think of him as an overprotective body guard.


"Hey, want to go get school supplies here?", you asked, staring at a stores outside display. Senpai nods happily. It really didn't matter to him, as long as he got to be with you.

Walking into the store, you and Senpai had made your way over to the supply section. As you looked over at the pencils and backpacks, it started to bring back an unwanted memory. You held your head, closing your eyes.

The school was closed down for a week after the homicide, and many detectives set up interviews with the students to try and find their killer. You were able to get away clean, but Senpai was another story. Over the weeks, they had became more and more suspicious, and soon Senpai was their only target.

Even though he was put in this situation, he still acts the same as ever. You aren't sure if Senpai has killed anyone since that night, but its clear he's trying to play it safe for now.

A heavy set of arms suddenly wrap around you, as Senapi called out your name. You opened your eyes to see Senpai's face stained with worry, as he held you tighter.

"Are you okay? You almost fell over! You can tell me if there's something wrong.", he mumbled. You gently rubbed his back letting out a shaky sigh.
"I'm fine, I just- remembered something stressful.", you whispered softly into his ear. He wasn't able to reply to you as he slowly released you, grabbing your hand once more.

"How do you do it? How are you able to deal with everything without breaking a sweat..?", you said, covering your mouth softly. His gaze softens, and he puts his hand on your cheek.
"Because I have you. Everything will be okay.", he replys, smiling widely. You giggle, holding back the tears.

"Your right, you'll be fine.", you said as you gripped his hand. Senpai doesn't want to admit it, but you could still tell he was weary about the situation. Especially since he wasn't able to completely finish his job back in the classroom.

Thinking of May still makes you sick, you weren't able to put your finger down on the reason you had to cause all this trouble in the first place. You still think of this whole thing as your fault, even though Senpai repeatedly insists it wasn't.

Even so, you feel horrible about. You little stunt caused the life of an entire class, and a concussion.

"What about May?", you asked, looking up at Senpai. He scratches the back of his head awkwardly.
"Yeah? What about her?", he said, a cold sweat running down his face.

"Why did you kill everyone but her?"


Chapter 1 of book 2 is finally out! hope your prepared for this story, I'll make sure to take you on an adventure. I also hope you like the new cover! Have a great day!

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