Chapter 15: Book 2: Ending 2-3

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Yukino grips the knife tightly, unexpectedly charging straight at May. You and Senpai shut your eyes tightly to block out this horrible act.

The sound of Yukino charging at May was heard, then a scream.

"B-brother!", Yukino screams. You quickly open your eyes to a horrifying reality.

May's eyes widened with fear as she realizes what she had done. A knife laid deep in Senpai's abdomen as a smile appears on his face.

"Forgive me brother, this was a selfish request.", Senpai says with a meaningful and soft tone.

Yukino's eyes widen, the color from his skin disappears. A bloodcurdling scream fills the room as Yukino falls to his knees in despair.

May slides the knife out of Senpai's body. Her shaking hands drop the weapon, her acheing body tumbling back in shock.

Tears roll down your face and you quickly go and embrace Senpai before his strength to stand gives out. He holds your cheeks with his cold hands, and smiles weakly, his eyes becoming cloudy.

"Take care of Yukino when I'm gone [y/n]."

You look at him in shock, gripping his hand in confusion.
"N-no, no, don't say that. You'll be okay! Please don't say that- ..Senpai..", you shake, feeling the last bit of his warmth leave his body.

He slowly slides out of your arms, and picks up the knife that laid bloody on the floor.

"As for you, well, I'll see you in hell!", Senpai screams with a dark expression on his face. May quickly looks up to meet his gaze.

"I love you [y/n]."

There was nothing you could do, you already knew that. You just didn't want to believe it.

This young man died bravely, willing to save his brothers life in return for his.

You finally see it.

Senpai was never a heartless killer after all.

You just wish you could have told him that before it was too late.

"Goodbye Senpai.."



That night, at the resident May's home, was the death of two young teens.

The victims where Senpai and May herself, after a brutal stabbing. This was witnessed by [y/n], Senpai's girlfriend, and Yukino, Senpai's brother.

They claim that Senpai had bravely saved Yukino, and was stabbed by May. Soon after however, Senpai returned the favor to May, leading to both of their deaths.

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