Chapter 9

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please listen to me when i'm serious but look out for me when I'm dumb


Senpai smirked at the frightened class mates. He slowly closed the door behind him.
"Now, now, we can't have any witnesses can we?", he licked his lips.

He reaches behind himself, pulling out his knife. His eyes completely dull, his laugh echoing through the room. You slowly step back, a bit, frightened.

The teacher yells,"Put the knife down now!". He was soon was silenced by the knife in his forehead. You closed your eyes tightly.

Arms wrap around you, and warm breath was pushed against your ear.
"Get out of here, go home. Here's my number.", Senpai says placing a paper into your pocket.

You nod, running out of the room. When you were running, you heard many screams in pain and pure terror behind you. You cringed but kept going.

You got home, and ran up to your room, making sure your parents didn't see you. You sat in your bed, slightly frightened.

"Those people.. They didn't need to die.", you said to yourself. Time went by, before you knew it, it was dark out. You decided to call Senpai now.

The phone rang, no awnser. Oh no Senpai.. Suddenly a tap was heard against your window, you slowly opened it, and a man popped in. He looked at you with beautiful eyes, his skin glimmering in the moonlight.

"Senpai!", you cried. He put his finger over you lips, and shushed you. He hopped in. His clothes were bloody, and he smelt pretty bad.

"You can take a bath or shower here..!", you mumbled. He looked at you, eyes widened. But he blushed, and slowly nodded.

You lead him there, and noticed mom and dad were asleep. You sighed in relief, and when he was in the shower, you slowly snuck in and grabbed his clothes.

You threw them in the wash, and waited in your room, trying to find a shirt that would fit him. A few minuets pass by, and you still find no shirt.

"This is no good, only dad's shirts would work..", you groand. The door slowly crept open, you looked, slightly frightened.


It was Senpai, he had a towel around his waist, his perfect body still dripping. He looked at you, he was making the cutest face too!

He slowly walked over to you. You blushed deeply, slowly backing away. He grabbed your wrist, and pulled you to him.

"Senpai..! What are you doing..!", you say bashfully. He holds you in an embrace, and next thing you know, he's on top of you in your comfortable bed.

As your lip quivers, he pins your arms down next to your head, gazing down at you. His expression was calm, his cheeks slightly red.

You slowly gazed back up at him, and you shared a passionate, deep kiss. Your tongues intertwined, and he pushed his hot breath into your mouth.
You mumbled and wiggled a bit, but he pressed against you harder each time. You moaned slightly, he pressed his familiar soft lips upon your collar bone.
His body slips in between your legs, making you twitch.



Please enjoy!

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