Chapter 5

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don't worry about me, i'm willing to die any day for you


Thinking about the way he looked up at you made you act childish. Your cheeks flushed while giggling slightly and you went back over to look down at him.

He was gone, you blinked, leaning over the railing more. Suddenly, warmth pressed against your back from behind. You blushed hard when you saw it was Senpai.

"How did you get up here so fast?", you whispered. He smiled, leaning down against you.
"Secret~", he licked the back of your ear. You froze a bit, and he moved down to your neck.

You closed your eyes slightly. He turned your body around, pressing his chest against yours, and kissed you deeply. Everything felt right, intill the sound of the roof door opening.


You slowly backed away from Senpai. There was a girl, she looked 1st year, meaning you and Senpai were 2 years older. She was adorable, her big sparkly eyes stared at you two.

Her Bob cut, pink fluffy hair bounced as she blushed, making a little noise.
"You both are so cute!", she screeched. You blinked, and Senpai stared at her in wonder.

She skips up to you two, her soft voice seduced you.
"My name is May! Or May-chan~!", she smiled. Senpai slowly let you go, and faced her.

"Hi. My name is Senpai.", he said, his cheeks a soft pink. You looked at him, your heart stopped pounding. Your face grew dark.
"My name is [y/n].", you said coldly.

She nods, and pokes Senpai's shoulder gently.
"What is it?", he said. She looked up at him and blushed.
"I couldn't help but admire how handsome you are!", she bursted.

You backed off him. It seems as if he didn't notice, because he responded with,"No ones actually told me that before..".


You weren't the kind of girl to sit back and watch. You slowly stepped in front of Senpai, and glared at the girl.

"Me and him have class to go to, excuse us.", you said interrupting them, grabbing his arm, and pulling away.
He stared down at you in shock. You only then let his arm go when you were far down the hall.

"[Y/n]?", he says worried.
"Senpai, I lo--", the bell rang. He blinked, and looked at you asking,what you were going to tell him. You only looked down, and ran off to class.

He scratched the back of his head gently, and walked off to his class. When you were in class, you dozed off by looking out a nearby window.

You wanted to make sure May-chan didn't get any more closer to Senpai than she already did. The image of him blushing to her pained you, and you realised.

I never told Senpai I loved him did I?

You dropped your pencil on the floor. You rolled your eyes and groaned, leaning down to get it. A small, soft hand touched yours. No way, I thought she was 1st year!

"Here~", said the girl.


Get ready for some real feels that are coming up! Enjoy!

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