Chapter 4

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wishing you haven't seen that, but i'm glad it happened


His eyes widened. You immediately looked over at him. Your cheeks flushed red, your body shaking. He slowly looked at the guys, which backed off you when they saw the knife.

"So, you think you can mess with [y/n].", he said in a deep voice, slightly shaking from rage. You slowly sat up on the desk, look over at him.

"Well, I'll meet you in hell.", he says, slowly walking up to boy A, then snapping his neck, sending his body to the floor. You flinched in fear, crying out for a moment.

He did that to easily, way to easily..

You quickly hopped off the desk to stop him, but the knife was already deep inside of boy B's chest. He slowly laughed, releasing the knife.

You stepped back. Your legs were going to give out. And then everything went black.


You awoke in the nurses office, your vision slowly regained. Sitting up in the bed, you had a horrible headache. You looked around, and saw the nurse walking towards you.

"Oh, are you feeling better?", she said kindly. You nodded, a bit confused.
"A boy had dropped you off, said you had a heat stroke at P.E.!", she said a bit more worried.

You squinted in even more confusion. Then the memory came back. About how Senpai had killed the two boys, and you blacked out. You weren't able to speak after that.

After the nurse walked away, you looked over at the clock. Wow, it's already after school!? You got out of the bed, and left the room with your stuff.


Walking to your locker, you saw Senpai walking out of the bathroom, wiping his face with a wet rag. You froze.
"S-senpai..", you mumbled.

He walked up to you, slowly lifting his hand. You closed your eyes tightly, fearing the worst. But something warm touched your lips. You blushed, peeking a bit.

It was him, his hair tickling your cheeks a bit. He had his soft lips against yours again. He's so cute when he's kneeling down to me. You slowly kissed back, your body felt like it was on fire.

When he parted his lips, you looked him in the eyes. They weren't scary, they looked kind and welcoming.

"Want me to walk home with you, or will you be okay?", he asked. Thinking he still may have stuff to do, you declined.

He kissed your forehead and left down the hall after that. You slowly touched your forehead, and smiled.

Why am I smiling? He just killed 2 people in front of me! And where did he even put the bodies!?


The next day at school felt gloomy again. After putting your stuff away, you decided to go up to the roof. Walking over to the railing, you looked down at the students that just arrived.

Your eyes lit up, Senpai had just walked in. Your cheeks flushed red as you smiled. He looked up and saw you. You got embarrassed, and stepped out of his line of vision.

Your heart felt like it was pounding, but this time, in a good way.


I hope you are enjoying, thanks for leaving the nice comments, its encouraging. See you in the next chapter ~

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