Chapter 6

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don't normally get jealous but i do if they want to take you


She winks at you, your heart fluttered. Why am I acting this way, what is she doing? She slowly got up from her seat, and walked up to the front of the class.

Everyone stared at her in awe, especially the boys. The teacher had told her to introduce herself.
"Hello! My name is May or May-chan~! I just joined this school, and already have a great friend!", she giggled.

Everyone blushed, and whispers were heard all around about how cute she was. She spoke once again.
"And my great friend is [y/n]-chan~!", she pointed to you, everyone looked.

"I want to be your friend!", yells the class. You shrink in your seat. You thought that the pain was over, but no. It got worse.
"I also like to mention I do modeling! You can find my magazines everywhere! Please support~!", she puffed.

Great, she's a model too.


You couldn't care less at this point, and you ignored her. There were several times you felt like she was glareing at you when you weren't looking. But when you look at her, she was cute and frilly as always.

Soon the class was over, and you walked out with your stuff to go meet up with Senpai. Suddenly May-chan zooms past you, and hops onto Senpai, hugging him. You froze, and watched from a distance.

"Oh Senpai! I don't know where anything is! Can you show me around!", she pleaded cutely.
"U-uhm, sure, I guess that won't take too long.", he blushed.

She slowly hopped off him, and took his hand. She smiled, and they headed off. You felt your heart break. Your nose turned a soft pink, and you sniffled.


You slowly walked up to the roof, where you were going to eat your lunch. You sat down on a bench up there, and waited for Senpai before eating.

By the time you were starving and it was almost time to go. However, he still didn't come. You finally noticed a couple on the bench, by a tree near the front of the school.

You eyes were overwhelmed with tears as you noticed it was Senpai and May eating lunch together. The tears rolled down your cheeks repeatedly, and worst of all, you didn't call to him.

He looks up at the roof in your direction. You were gone. And then he realised, "I forgot about [y/n]!", he thought as he said goodbye to May.

She pouted, but nodded. Senpai ran up to the roof, his powerful body pushing the doors open. But it was empty, and all that was there, was your Bento you never ate.


The bell rang and he thought he could see you then, because you had the same class next period. He ran down to the class, but you were not there.

Soon he could search no more, because the teacher told him to sit. The whole time you were at your lockers, and got your stuff. You soon left for home, and went to bed.


Hope you enjoyed!

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