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I walk through the dark store, there is a chill, and it makes me nervous. I pick up an old can off of the ground and toss it to the far side of the store, grabbing whatever was in here's attention. I hear the clatter of the can hitting something or just landing against the ground, and then I hear something else. The groans carry throughout the entire store, there was an echo, which makes it harder to pin point where the hell they were. I see something moving, but I can't be sure how many of them were in the store. Water splashes around my feet as I step further into the store and take a better look around. There is next to no light, so I can't see them very well, but I could sure as hell smell em.

As I am just about to creep up behind one I hear something from outside. It would have to be raiders because I can hear the dead getting louder and angrier. I take out the one I found in the store and unzip my bag, swiping all the supplies I can fit into it and throw it back over my shoulder taking a quick glance behind me to see that half of the dead that were at the door had disappeared. I needed to get out, and as fast as possible by the sounds of it. I run for the stair well, tripping over an old broom in the process and I slowly open the door just in case there are some in there somehow.

Seemed empty enough as I climbed up four flights of stairs. I slowly get out on the roof and peer over the edge looking for what must have caused the disturbance. It was still dark but I could see alright out here in the open, but at that moment I wish I couldn't see at all.

The first thing I hear is Sheba's barking and her growling, running along in front of Mark. Oh my god he was going to get himself killed. I was paralysed; I had no idea what I was supposed to do. I watch as Mark and Sheba make their way closer to the store I was on top of. The doors! The doors were still locked, I needed to get down there and open them. I burst back into the stair well and rushed down the stairs as fast as I could, stumbling every now and again. I look back and forth frantically trying to find something for Mark to use as a weapon. I run to a shelf and rip a set of stainless steel cutlery down, busting open the box and collecting a butter knife. I then look back to the door to see that all the dead had disappeared and I sprint over and unlock it, pushing my body through and out onto the street. Mark and Sheba are backed into an alley, dead pushing to get in at them.

I charge into action, rushing towards the nearest one. I would probably die today, because of this. I could have been in and out, no troubles but no. What the hell was Mark even doing here? He had to know that this place was over run, he came here with his group earlier, didn't he? I swear if anything happens to that dog, I will kill him where he stands. She was my life, my best friends and companion. She had helped me through thick and thin and she made me stronger, I can't lose her, I won't lose her.

I take my machete and call some sort of battle cry before slicing through the neck of the one standing closest to me at that point in time. It felt like it was all moving in slow motion as I sliced my way through the dead, decapitating and stabbing every one I could. I send a mean glare towards Mark and he seems to frown. I simply throw the butter knife towards him and keep stabbing. I had killed about thirteen by the looks of it, but there were so, so many more. The streets were still littered, but now all their attention was on me. My eyes widen when the adrenaline wares off and I finally see how far over my head this was. I stumble back a little dropping the machete, stupid. I look to my shaking hands and then back at the heard barrelling towards me, Mark stabbing a few in the side of the head with the cutlery I had given him, and Sheba, trying to make her way to me. Why did I drop the machete?

I back up against a wall, and begin to kick at the dead coming towards me at high speed. I stomp one skull into the ground and grab another, crushing it against the wall, and then crush another under my boot. I reach into my pocket and hold the piece of mirror that I was examining myself in before and lift it as a weapon. I hold it in my right hand, and ball my left into a tight fist, I could do this, I can do this, "Come on Jack!" I call to myself launching towards another corpse and jabbing it in the eye with the glass, and then punching another in the head, causing it to fall to the ground where I can crush its head as I jump on it, and then stab another. I had another three coming towards me, and I had just lost the piece of mirror in the last one's eye. What could I do? I kick at another but Its no use, I slip back against the wall and hit my head a little, causing my vision to blur. I can't focus on seeing anything, until I see Sheba.

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