Erotic Literature

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Chapter 3

After Grell had finished issuing instructions about behavior, the students dispersed in pairs, Ciel Phantomhive with the Alois Trancy brat. Sebastian darted out of the local history section when he spotted a group of students heading towards his location. He dashed to a more secluded archive of books with tall bookshelves surrounding him in a circle and two comfy armchairs. He looked up at the sign above him which explained the seclusion:

Erotic Literature

That was fortunate for him. The Trancy brat had stated that the Grim Reaper spent a lot of his time in the section; he would wait until Grell Sutcliffe arrived and he would then interrogate him to find out what was going on. The reaper had to know something.

He didn't have to wait long.

Within a few minutes his sharp ears picked up the sounds of footsteps coming towards him and he picked a random book off the closest shelf to conceal his face.

Grell Sutcliffe sighed heavily as he walked in and threw himself dramatically in the other armchair.

"Damn brats. Why did I have to get roped into this?" he whined to himself.

Then he looked to the side and noticed that he was not alone.

"Hi!" he greeted and leaned over to check what the other armchair occupant was reading. "50 Shades of Grey? Let me recommend something better than that wimpy book."

Sebastian put the book down, revealing his face. "Actually I would recommend telling me what is going on around here."

"Sebas-chan," Grell squealed happily before coming to his senses. "What are you talking about? Nothing is going on!"

Obviously lying, Sebastian decided. Judging from his reaction the Grim Reaper clearly did know a few facts if not more about what was going on. However some persuasion was be required to make him talk.

He stood up and stepped closer to the quivering Grim Reaper.

"So why are you working here as a teacher? And why are Ciel Phantomhive and Alois Trancy among your pupils?"

"They are? I've never noticed," Grell lied.

Sebastian took another step closer.

"Why are the school uniforms almost identical to the ones from Weston College over 100 years ago?"

"I don't know anything!" Grell squealed.

Another step closer. Sebastian loomed over Grell. Now their noses were nearly touching.

"You are clearly lying, Grell. I thought you were supposed to be an actress," Sebastian said smoothly, and moved on to his next method of persuasion as interrogation was not going anywhere."Now, how about telling me the truth. I will do you one favour in return."

Grell paused, caught between staying true to his orders and the temptation to take Sebastian up on his offer. In the end his flirtatious side won the internal battle.

"I promised Will I would keep quiet, but one kiss with tongue will loosen my tongue," he winked and puckered up, ready for action.

The demon blanched. Of all things it had to be a French kiss. He thought of the luscious taste of Ciel Phantomhive's soul and steeled himself before kissing Grell's lips as he tried not to concentrate on what he was doing. He was about to make good on the tongue loosening when a voice rang out behind them. A voice belonging to Ciel Phantomhive.

"Mr Sutcliffe, I have a question regarding my project. Mr Sutcliffe?"

Sebastian froze and turned to see Ciel Phantomhive standing behind him with an amused expression on his face as he spotted 50 Shades of Grey on the floor and Sebastian on top of his teacher,

Reincarnation (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler fanfic) (Ciel x Sebastian)(Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now