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Chapter 12

Whilst his young master and the Alois Trancy brat were at school Sebastian dusted surfaces, polished tables and washed the dishes in his role as the Phantomhive family butler. Once he had finished for the morning he returned to his bedroom and considered his options.

After receiving the two hints from Undertaker he had briefly returned to the underworld to do a little research.

Most importantly he had gained the knowledge that made demons could be killed as their healing powers were slower than a normal demon which explained why he had been able to kill the demon Ciel Phantomhive by tearing his head off. He had stabbed the boy right after he had been turned into a demon, but a stab wound was easy to heal compared to decapitation.

In addition he had picked up hints of tension between the demons and Grim Reapers which shed light on the reaper's involvement with Weston College and the Phantomhive family.

But there were other questions that still required answers. If the current Ciel Phantomhive was a completely different person to the original, why did his soul smell exactly the same? That had been bothering him and he had not picked up any clues to answer that question yet.

For now he could observe the boy and wait for him to make the first move. If not...

He still wasn't sure what the Grim Reapers wanted with him so it would be wise to approach with caution.

Sebastian thought back to his final days the human world with the demon Ciel Phantomhive. There had to be a clue in his memories somewhere of what the boy had been doing behind his back.


It was around half past five in the morning. Sebastian had just arrived back at the Phantomhive townhouse in London after spending five days in the countryside redecorating the manor. He had even been order to rebuild part of it and add a conservatory.

He entered the house via the back door and shook off his sopping wet coat. It had been heavily raining on the outskirts of London and even the perfect butler couldn't avoid rain. Sebastian dried himself off and went in search of his demon master. He found him curled up asleep on the sofa in the study, looking very relaxed and free.

Reluctantly he picked the demon boy up in his arms and carried him bridal style up the stairs to his bedroom. It would be unfitting for a butler to leave in master sleeping in an uncomfortable position.

The boy stirred as Sebastian laid him out on the bed.

"Sebastian? You are back?" he asked sleepily with one eye with glowed a startling red.

"Yes I am, young master," Sebastian replied mechanically, his normal enthusiasm absent.

Ciel sat up and allowed his butler to undress him.

"Sebastian, do you believe in Reincarnation?" he enquired suddenly as Sebastian buttoned up his nightshirt.

The butler looked directly at his master- something that he hadn't done since the boy had become a demon.

"The Grim Reapers possibly have some control over it, but I have never seen it happen. Why do you ask?"

His master laid back down and pulled the covers over himself with a sigh. "It was just a thought. It would be nice if someone knew the real story of Ciel Phantomhive and not just that I was a rich brat."

"If you say so, young master."

The boy was in a whimsical mood, Sebastian thought to himself without much interest. He no longer served the boy with any enthusiasm- there was no reward at the end for him anymore.

Reincarnation (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler fanfic) (Ciel x Sebastian)(Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now