There is only one truth

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Chapter 21:

The next morning Ciel woke up to find a butler standing over his bed with the morning sun filtering through the curtains. Sleepily, Ciel rubbed his eyes and sat up slowly, taking a while to process what was going on.

He was Ciel Phantomhive which meant that the butler was the demon Sebastian Michaelis.

The boy sat up slowly and noticed that Sebastian was holding a tray with a teapot, two cups, a milk jug and a sugar pot.

"Good morning, Ciel," Sebastian greeted with a smile. "How are you feeling? You looked confused for a second."

Ciel stretched his arms and sighed. "I had some strange dreams where I was separately Ciel the first and Ciel the second so I was a little disorientated when I woke up. Not to mention, I had that bloody dream about a raven- I've had that one three times now."

Skilfully, Sebastian poured out the tea into the teacup which Ciel recognised as being a set that he had owned when he was an Earl in the 19th Century. If he recalled correctly it was the Wedgewood Blue and White.

"How did you get hold of the tea set?"

The butler poured milk in followed by sugar. "I found it yellowing at the back of a cupboard in the kitchen so I gave it a good clean," he explained and passed to cup to Ciel who accepted it.

"What's the second cup for?" he questioned as the image of Sebastian joining him in his bedroom to drink tea was somewhat bizarre.

"It was for Alois Trancy in case he was awake, but he seems to be in deep sleep so I will not pour any for him."

They both turned to stare down at the snoring blonde in his sleeping bag who was blissfully unaware what was going on around him.

Ciel glanced at the clock and saw that it was only 7 o'clock in the morning, much to his surprise.

"Why did you wake me up? I don't have school until next week."

"Ronald Knox visited whilst you were asleep," Sebastian informed him. "William T. Spears would like to discuss his proposition with us this morning before all the Reapers leave."

As he spoke he dropped a piece of black cloth into Ciel's unoccupied hand. Ciel picked it up and saw that it was an eye patch that was identical to the one he used to wear. He squinted closer and realised that it was the one that he had worn earlier when he had deliberately walked into Sebastian on a crowded London street. An event that had set his and the Grim Reapers' plans into motion, ending in another contract, the revival of Earl Ciel Phantomhive and the merging of the two Ciels into one.

Seeing the puzzled look, Sebastian explained. "Whilst you were asleep I visited the Trancy residence and found it on the kitchen table. I also found something else..."

Ciel looked up in puzzlement and then he realised. Hiding something in a toilet cistern was not going to fool a demon for long.

Sebastian held up a certain journal, the final one in the set which had the most damning testimony in it; just a minor love confession- his most guarded secret.

"Admittedly, it did take me a while to find this. I would have never thought that someone with my picky young master's face and genes would stick their hand in a toilet cistern."

Ciel made a face. "Have you read them yet?"

"No," the butler answered. "They are private journals that you wrote and a butler never invades the privacy of his master and since you went to a large amount of trouble to hide them away from me, that was all the more reason not to. I assume the journals were what that elusive riddle eventually led to."

Reincarnation (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler fanfic) (Ciel x Sebastian)(Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now