The Raven

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Chapter 19:

Ciel took one last look at the full moon outside the window before replying to his butler who had just expressed his fondness for his master.

"Let's go home."

The pair walked home side by side down the street. The rain from earlier on in the day had stopped now and instead a cool wind blew through the trees and Ciel's hair, revealing the contract pentagram on his right eye. He flattened down his hair in an attempt to cover in before he got home.

"Do you have any regrets about taking over your descendant's body?" Sebastian asked interestedly as they walked along.

Ciel frowned and ran a hand through his grey blue hair.

"I have the opportunity to be with you again so I do not regret it. Ciel was not happy with his life and being forced to take over Funtom as he had other interests. I wish that there was something I could do for him in return."

As he spoke Ciel stopped dead in his tracks and groaned. He had just recalled something that he had seen in his descendant's memories from earlier on in the day.

"I think we should stop off at Alois Trancy's reincarnation's house. He is planning to run away tonight."

Sebastian raised as eyebrow quizzically. "Do we have to go?"

His master groaned again. "Ciel the second would not want his best friend to run away alone. If we cannot persuade him not to run away, we can just say good bye and thank you."

The butler gave him a strange look, surprised that the words "thank you" had made it out his mouth and that he wanted to say it to someone called Alois Trancy.

"Thank you for being annoying?"

Ciel shook his head. "I have been through Ciel's memories, he is not too annoying- he just has a poor taste in fashion. He was only acting annoying in front of you so that you would prefer Ciel and become closer to him."

"I suppose we should give our thanks," Sebastian sighed. "Was I really manipulated by a pair of 15 year olds?"

"You have lost your touch," Ciel smiled and started walking again.

As they neared the Trancy residence Sebastian sighted Alois Trancy waiting outside in the street. The boy was sitting on his suitcase and staring out into the distance, or rather an endless vista of tall buildings and bright lights. The light from the streetlight above him bathed his blonde hair orange.

"He is there," Sebastian whispered. "Remember to act like your descendant- a modern teenager. If you don't, I have no idea what he will do."

Ciel nodded. He could act like his descendant and a modern teenager. All he had to do was use some abbreviated forms of words, drop his refined accent and slouch his shoulders a little.

Alois spotted Ciel as he approached and waved happily. The blonde stood up and ran towards him before throwing his arms around him.

"Ciel! I thought I would never see you again."

Then he caught sight of Sebastian who was standing on top of a nearby wall, blending in well with the dark sky due to his black outfit. Alois let go of Ciel and looked at him sharply.

"What is the demon doing here?"

"To cut a long story short, the Grim Reapers are going to leave us alone and Sebastian is going to stay with me," Ciel answered in what he hoped sounded like his descendant's voice. As Trancy's reincarnation looked exactly like the original it was hard to look at him kindly.

Reincarnation (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler fanfic) (Ciel x Sebastian)(Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now