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Chapter 7:

Ronald Knox wiped the sweat off his brow with his sleeve as he leaned against Will's desk in the headmaster's office of Weston College.

"Phew, he nearly had me there," he puffed to his co worker who looked very unimpressed. "Although I would not have spilled the beans like Sutcliffe nearly did."

"Hey!" complained the red haired reaper who was sulking in the corner.

"So he is working as Phantomhive butler again," Will said thoughtfully.

"Yep, he had the suit on and everything. The brat wasn't there- I overheard something about him being at Trancy's house."

"Hmm, the fact that the demon has become a butler again shows that he certainly has some interest in obtaining this Ciel Phantomhive's soul. He may also be thinking of making a contract."

"Most of our plan depends on him making the contract before he realises that the brat is not a reincarnation of his beloved former master," Ronald replied. "Phantomhive is obviously trying to stay away from him for now as none of us ever considered that he would become a Phantomhive butler again, but the brat can't keep the act up forever."

In the corner Grell pouted. Will and Ronald were always acting like the Phantomhive brat and Sebas-chan were some kind of a couple which rankled his nerves.

"I think it's unfair that we are manipulating Sebas-chan for our own use. I don't want to go to war with the demons," he interjected with a whine.

Will and Ronald exchanged glances. They had been over the subject many times with Grell in the past few years. They had explained it so many times and now it had become very annoying to explain the same thing every month.

"For the final time Sutcliffe, we are doing this because there are not so many souls left because all the demons are stealing them. When was the last you harvested a soul!?" Will asked, exasperated at his colleague.

"I know that..." Grell complained "But why do we have to use Sebas-chan?"

Ronald rolled his eyes. "This is the last time I'm explaining this to you. He is the only demon we know that has a weakness for a vertically challenged brat with an eye patch. How may demons have you seen that are like that? Our plan is clearly working if he has become the ancestor's butler."

"You are in on this too, Sutcliffe. You cannot back out now," Will continued and pushed his glasses neatly back up his nose with his forefinger. "We illegally reincarnated souls after all. If we do not get results we do not have a hold over the demons and we will be suspended forever from our jobs and we will probably end up going to way with the demons anyway with no chance of winning."

The red haired reaper frowned at the mention of a war. Relations between Demons and Grim Reapers had always been tense, but recently due to a shortage of decent souls, fights had broken out with gruesome consequences for the Grim Reaper-Demon relationship. One reaper had been found staked to a wall with his own death scythe.

Grell hadn't actually judged a soul for about a fortnight, if the shortage continued he would be out of a job and it was a Grim Reaper's job to judge souls.

Will was right. It was likely that a war was going to occur and if it did the reapers were going to need all the help they could get, even if it meant ensnaring poor Sebas-chan.

"Fine. I won't complain again. For at least a week," Grell conceded eventually.

"Thank you Sutcliffe. For the moment all we can do is wait for the demon to make the contract."

Reincarnation (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler fanfic) (Ciel x Sebastian)(Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now