Satsujin Jiken

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Chapter 14:

The wind speed picked up as Will spoke and the rain began to drive against Ciel's school uniform, making it cling tightly to his skin.

"Who died?" Ciel enquired.

"Mr. Smith, the science teacher. He teaches Trancy and he was due to start covering your Physics class next week," Will informed him and a strange look crossed his face. "His body was found at the bottom of a flight of stairs this morning; it seems that he fell down and broke his neck. The school is closed at the moment, however due to impending exams Year 11 students can attend normal classes except sciences if they wish. The science department and the crime scene have been closed off by the Police."

"Are the Police still here?" Ciel asked after digesting the information. He wondered why Will was telling him all of this. There would be mass panic if the head teacher of a school informed every pupil that asked that there had been the suspected murder of a teacher. There had to be a significance.

"The Scene of Crime Officers just left, but there is an officer stationed at the entryway to the stairwell where the body was found and the other entrance is blocked off. That said, there is an unguarded way in. Trancy, give me your school organiser," Will requested.

Alois blinked in surprise as the reaper had never talked to him directly before. He fished his dog eared organiser out of his messenger bag.

Will raised an eyebrow at the state of the organiser as Alois handed it over. He turned to the back page which had a printed map of the school. He circled one of the stairwells on the first floor corridor with a fountain pen.

"This is where the body was found; it is one of the staircases that connects to the science corridor. The door on the floor above is blocked off and the door at the bottom is guarded by a police officer standing outside. This means that if you managed to get inside the stairwell you would not be discovered as no one is actually in there."

Ciel caught his meaning. Will was suggesting that he secretly entered the crime scene which was actually against the law.

"How do I get in without being seen?"

The corner of Will's mouth twitched as if he wanted to smile but could not. "I'm afraid that it requires good athletic skills so Trancy will have to enter first and then help you."

Ciel scowled, annoyed that everyone seemed to think that he was bad at sport because he was pale and short.

"What do I have to do?" Alois asked and pumped his arm muscles to annoy Ciel.

"Trancy, there is a vent in the stairwell with one of the entrances being in the corridor just outside the stairwell. You need to crawl through it and once you are in, unbolt the door for Phantomhive. Then when you leave, do the reverse," Will paused for a second before adding, "Do not get caught."

Will moved aside to allow Ciel and Alois to enter the school building which seemed like a graveyard to due to the ominous air and the lack of students.

"Doesn't this feel like a video game," the blonde comment happily as they headed towards the science department.

"Real life doesn't have a second chance button," Ciel replied, then he remembered his parents and best friend had been reincarnated which proved that it was slightly possible to have a second chance at life. He smirked wryly.

10 minutes later, after walking through the school corridors they approached the door to the stairwell that housed the crime scene. The science prep room was on the first floor, but the actual science corridor was on the floor below. The double doors to the stairwell were blocked off with blue and white tape that said "Police line do not cross".

Reincarnation (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler fanfic) (Ciel x Sebastian)(Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now