Reflection in a mirror

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Chapter 16

Grell, who had been lurking on the roof assigned as a lookout, had spotted the handsome figure of the demon Sebastian Michaelis and the whelp of a boy called Ciel Phantomhive, walking up the road to the college.

He hung himself upside down from the edge of the roof and dangled his head into Will's open office window to inform him.

"They've arrived."

"The time has come. We shall join the demon and the boy in the school hall at the appropriate time. Until then we have to stay in the shadows. Pass the message onto Ronald Knox," Will instructed Grell.

Sebastian followed his master into the school hall without any hesitation. He had sensed the presence of the Grim Reapers immediately and had spotted Grell on the roof from a distance, but he knew that the reapers would stay away until the contract was made.

Ciel walked calmly into the centre of the hall and tried to slow down his hammering heartbeat. He couldn't back out now that he had come this far. His ancestor had given up his soul in order to get revenge, he was now going to do the same for him.

"Sebastian Michaelis, will you make a contract with me?" he said in a clear and loud voice from the benefit of the eavesdropping Grim Reapers.

"I will. What are your conditions?" Sebastian replied. The time had finally come for him to be bound to the soul that he had been craving and know what his former master had wanted to tell him.

"You will obey any orders that I give you unconditionally, but the power to order you can be transferred to another person of my choice. The contract will end when that person no longer has any use for you. Do you agree to those terms?"

As Ciel spoke his hand brushed past his trouser pocket in a seemingly natural manner and he slipped his ancestor's ring on his finger and kept his hand in his pocket.

The demon spotted the action with his sharp eyes and he knew that he could agree to the contract with the purpose of making him a servant to the Grim Reapers forever. Ciel Phantomhive had found a way out of making the contract.

"I agree to those terms," Sebastian answered and approached the boy. "Now I need to mark you."

He tore off his glove with his teeth. He pushed back Ciel's head gently and undid the know tying the eye patch. Sensibly, Ciel kept his eye closed and Sebastian covered the eye with his hand.

"You are now mine and this marks proves it."

Like a puppet with the strings cut loose, the boy slumped into his butler's arms.


White. Everything was white.

Ciel blinked and stared in front of him. There was nothing there but blindingly white space. He looked down at himself to find that he was wearing his favourite jeans and t shirt. He tried to remember what he had been doing and it came back to him in a flash.

He had just made a contract with Sebastian. The one that allowed the demon to be controlled by the Grim Reapers. As he thought about it he noted that the headache that had plaguing him ever since he had found the ring had faded.

"Who are you?" A voice behind him enquired.

Ciel whirled round to face someone that looked as if he could be his reflection in a mirror, only he was wearing different clothes; black shorts with matching knee high socks, a white blouse with a black ribbon and a plain navy blue jacket. The other person's hair was the same shade of blue grey as his and the left eye was the same shade of azure blue. The right eye had a purple pentagram which clinched the mysterious person's identity.

Reincarnation (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler fanfic) (Ciel x Sebastian)(Sebaciel)Where stories live. Discover now